GMax and 3DSMax (And any other modeling program) screenies/renders



I think it's fair to say that these might be the best weathering work I've ever done. All Blender nodes because I haven't unwrapped anything except the sides.
My favourite thread asleep? Not gonna happen.
With permission from Mick1960 I have begun kitbashing his excellent city houses of the Ostendstrasse series. Some important versions were missing; corner houses and houses to make backyards with. So break out the slice plane and get chopping:

Corner house - based on Ostendstrasse 11


T-shaped house with thoroughfare and backyard houses - based on Ostendstrasse 12

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My favourite thread asleep? Not gonna happen.
With permission from Mick1960 I have begun kitbashing his excellent city houses of the Ostendstrasse series. Some important version were missing; corner houses and houses to make backyards with. So braek oth the slice plane and get chopping:

Corner house

T-shaped house with thoroughfare and backyard houses

...and yes the pictures are on Facebook, since I have a little page there.
Always nice to see a master's work.
Berliner luft - or a Tardis (it's bigger on the inside) with beer taps

I was looking through the content creation wiki only to learn that the nightmode instructions are TBN. 3DS Max has an emission parameter for creating self illumination of tesxtures, but that would be too easy :censored:
The surrounding houses are Mick1960s Mietskasernen in the lowest LOD configuration which I demoed some posts ago. I went and fixed the broken image links, so you can see what I am on about 🙂
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