getting the gistn of it!!


New member
I'M having trouble understanding triggers. What do they actually do.The manuals are very lacking in explanations.Also, I can't get my mind to work on indent and outdent. Hey, I'm not entirely dumb. I did work out portals.Again no help in manuals :confused:
When a train passes over a trigger, it causes any code associated with that trigger to run which will change the course of a drive, give you information or, in the case of bloodnok's AWS system, ring a bell/sound a siren.

Put simply, they are merely points that can have a function attached that comes into play when you pass over one.


I can't get my mind to work on indent and outdent.
All the indented commands will only be obeyed if the command above them causes them to be. It's the Driver Session equivalent of this in BASIC:

or this in C:

IF (A==B)
Outdent cancels an indent if you decide you don't want it any more. The command moves leftwards.

Sorry if my "C" syntax is a bit off, I'm not very familiar with that programming language.

BTW, there's more about triggers in this thread.

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Thank for info

Thank you HJP and john.I'll try figuring it out. I can't go to the thread for some reason .This is a very complex game and site.Okay Next! whats a trig station for and how do I get driver to go to a paticular scene in a second session ie( first session was passenger run 2nd is lumber run. this session always centres on the view of the first session.? Baz66:confused:
As far as I know a trig station is just a static cosmetic scenery item which does nothing in Trainz except look nice, just a like a building. For the purpose of trig stations in the real world try this Wikipedia article.

The World Origin object is different. It does something, but I've never been too clear exactly what. I think it can be safely ignored if you wish, as many layouts don't include this object.

Your other question:

You can create multiple Driver sessions for the same layout. I've just done a test and it seems that when a session is run the camera will initially focus on the first train/driver in the Driver Setup list for that session. However I'm far from knowledgeable regarding sessions so experts may well have to correct me if I'm wrong.

Hope this helps a bit, John
A trig station lets you know what lat and lon you are at on the map in Surveyor. If you've built a map with real world coordinates from DEM files, it's very useful to place things where they belong by reading the lat/lon on the little sign of the trig station.
The World Origin object is different. It does something, but I've never been too clear exactly what. I think it can be safely ignored if you wish, as many layouts don't include this object.

The World Origin objects places the route/map at an exact in the location world, lattitude and longitude.