Get Trainz Classics, or wait till TRS2009?


<Insert Creative Title>
I've been with the community since service pack 2 was released for TRS2004. After being disappointed with MSTS, 2004 was everything I had hoped it would be (I still use '04 on my laptop).

When TRS2006 was released I couldn't wait, I preordered it. TRS2006, after 2004, didn't seem like much of an improvement. The new content was nice, and I liked CMP (it works for me, but then again my professors at college say I have a warped view of the world). :o

I've settled into a happy little niche with TRS2006. I learned how to work around its quirks. I don't want to change platforms just for minor improvements in content rather than in interface or gameplay.

So my question is this: Is it worth purchasing Trainz Classics (assuming I'll import my content from '06 to TC), or am I better off staying with TRS2006 until the 'fabled' '09 comes out? What are the benefits of TC over '06?

If it helps your advice:
My interest in Trainz focuses on operations, serving industries and dispatching, and I primarily model modern day freight lines (BNSF, MRL) in the western USA. I use a dual core computer with Vista.
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I'm hesitant to build routes in TC because each edition of TC has only the assets it needs (or so they say - I think there are some included that are not used, such as interactive industries). Those assets are built into the release and are not necessarily available for transfer to another release, though it appears some are or will be universally available (Auran would do us a service if they made it clear which built-ins we can count on). If I build a route using TC-1, I can't be sure it will be complete in TC-3 if the built-in assets I use aren't available to the person who only purchased TC-3 and not TC-1. The same holds true for assets built into TRS2006, which are not all available or transferable to the TC series, though I've heard there's a way around this (search the forum). Until Auran straightens this out - such as by providing a user-friendly conversion path - I'm restricting my efforts to TRS2006. I choose 2006 over 2004 because of all the built-in content and all the DLS content that people have created since 2004 was released. Also, 2006 loads faster. Most earlier content also works with 2006, so I could be happy with 2006 for a long time. Having said that, I DO like the Harlem Line rolling stock (and the routes) that come with TC-1/2, so for me that is a very good reason to own TC-1/2. I'm sure I'll get TC-3 when it comes out as well, since I have all Trainz editions to date and want to support Auran. Trainz is still the best train simulator available as far as I'm concerned.

Get the TC, as well as 09 when it comes out. It only works out at less than a dollar per month, a no brainer really LOL.

Each version of Trainz will be an improvement on the older versions, with more varied content, additional features etc. By supporting Auran, it will help kill off the supposed competition (laff laff) earlier than is anticipated. Even MS is having serious doubts about the future of their rendition.
You'll find that TC isn't much more then '06 was to '04. If creators would create in '04 we all could play in any version. If you're a creator, stick with '04. If you're a player, choose any platform you want.
Personally, I'm stickin' with '04.;)
Me too, 04 it is, always pick the least common denominator, but ensure that things work in 06 etc.

I have people to check that, as I dont really have the time. That way they get free content in exchange.
You'll find that TC isn't much more than '06 was to '04.

Hmmm. Not so sure about that. I think TC is much less than 06 was to 04. At least one could move everything from 04 to 06 with truly minor problems. Not so in moving 06 to TC. You're certainly welcome to try, but expect a long arduous process and a schidt load of frustration. There are many posts here explaining how to do it, and 10 times as many posts describing the problems. Proceed at your own peril, just be forewarned.
If you want to selflessly support Auran, then go ahead and buy every TC version they release. What you buy isn't necessarily what you have to play. My copy of TC1&2 is a fine piece of shelf-ware, and I've read that TC3 will be so much better.
Personally I'd explore those claims before transferring any content over.

2006 works for me for now.

dito for me, with the exception, that I've added to my roster too the German Version of TRS 2006, called TRS 2007, a mixture between TRS 2006 and TC. :D


Thank you all for your insights. I decided to stick with '06 for now. Trainz Classics looks fun, but appears to be oriented towards drivers, now operations-managers. :wave:
after a long deserved break from TRS i shall be purchasing the latest edition and not classics, i cannot be bothered with older versions, can't wait to see what its going to be like :)
Go head over to TS2009 website, you can pre-order TS2009:WBE (World Builder Edition), and get a download of the BETA right now. Also it gives you a discount on future edition of TS2009:EE (Engineers/Drivers Edition) and other Auran products
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Get Trainz Classics, or wait for TRS2009

I have TRS 2006 and TC3. TC3 for me was not my thing. had to transfer so much from 2006. i ordered TRS2009 so TC3 will go away for me. my question is how much assets or any will transfer from TRS2006?


TRS2009 will have everything the previous version have already and a bit more!!



Plus also if you buy TS2009WBE, once TEE is released Engineers Edition (TEE) is an "expand-alone". If you have WBE installed, it will install on top so then you get all the WBE features plus the new EE features and content. If you don't have WBE then EE is a standalone version of Trainz that doesn't include the Surveyor module.


get 2009, my tc has alot of errors and no longer runs, it doesnt load just like trs2006 did. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :)
Unless your on the bones of your a..., I'd recommend you get both. TC3 is a great stand alone routes that's in my opion, well worth the price. (particular if you are into driving steam loco's in cab mode)... To me, getting the new steam loco's & rolling stock alone was worth the price I paid for TC3...
I'm not going to bother importing any of my TRS2006 content into TC3. I'll import it into TRS2009.
I had a few minor problems with TC3 when it first came out, but since installing the patch & updates, I've had no problems. It's running great.
Cheers, Mac...
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