I'm starting a new thread for a project dream I've had forever! Years ago I saw this huge picture of Frankfurt Terminal in Germany. I've always had model railways, but never anything big because of space constraints. So Frankfurt Terminal in TRS09 (at the time) was born!
I manually measured everything in google maps, translated it into trainz, and laid it all by hand! I had worked up all of the track in the above picture, and created a range of splines for the classic concrete railway infrastructure too! I was loving it, until I deleted the wrong backup. Don't ask me how. I still don't fully understand how I was moronic enough to do it!! But when I went back onto TRS09, I was missing swathes of layout. So I quit. :'(
I bought TRS19 end of last year, superelevated track made me upgrade. It wouldn't run so well on my old laptop so I shelved it for a while.... Then I bought a new laptop which has much better processing and graphics to run Trainz, what a gamechanger!! Now I've learned TransDEM, and I'm getting my head back into Blender, so figured id pick up my old route, starting from scratch!
Here's the route so far! I've mapped from Hanau on the east of Frankfurt, down to Mannheim. There's two hump yards at Mannheim which I'll use the CDE Hump Yard assets for. Lots of container terminals all over the route, which Ill be hopefully making some container crane assets for. (JointedRail, can i steal your script PLEASE?
) The next step is to map from Mannheim up to Mainz on the West of Frankfurt, and get the rest of the tracks filled in between the two main routes!
Finally I'll throw in some pics of the ambitious Blender project I started - the Kirow 800 Rail Crane. One day it will be published, but for now I've been concentrating on the Bogeys.
Thanks for now! :wave:

I manually measured everything in google maps, translated it into trainz, and laid it all by hand! I had worked up all of the track in the above picture, and created a range of splines for the classic concrete railway infrastructure too! I was loving it, until I deleted the wrong backup. Don't ask me how. I still don't fully understand how I was moronic enough to do it!! But when I went back onto TRS09, I was missing swathes of layout. So I quit. :'(
I bought TRS19 end of last year, superelevated track made me upgrade. It wouldn't run so well on my old laptop so I shelved it for a while.... Then I bought a new laptop which has much better processing and graphics to run Trainz, what a gamechanger!! Now I've learned TransDEM, and I'm getting my head back into Blender, so figured id pick up my old route, starting from scratch!
Here's the route so far! I've mapped from Hanau on the east of Frankfurt, down to Mannheim. There's two hump yards at Mannheim which I'll use the CDE Hump Yard assets for. Lots of container terminals all over the route, which Ill be hopefully making some container crane assets for. (JointedRail, can i steal your script PLEASE?

Finally I'll throw in some pics of the ambitious Blender project I started - the Kirow 800 Rail Crane. One day it will be published, but for now I've been concentrating on the Bogeys.

Thanks for now! :wave: