Gaming Headset

Hi davesnow,

there is Track IR by Natural Point. Also my son tells me that Oculus Rift is almost ready for release.

Hope this helps, Andrew.
Oh great ... We'll all look like this after playing Trainz too long, by using Track IR by Natural Point, Oculus Rift headsets/3D goggles

TrackIR doesn't really work well in Trainz, only 180 degree of horizontal vision.

Can't look out the back windows of the cab.

Tested it on the Mojave in TS12, disappointing compared with Railworks.

Really makes ETS2 great.
Naturally it wouldn't go past @ 180 degrees ... You would have to press the [, or ] KB keys to get other views ... Does it make for a wider FOV curviture, like a wide screen monitor, or anything like a dual monitor ?

Has anyone ever set up dual monitors, or 3 or 4 of them in Trainz ?
Naturally it wouldn't go past @ 180 degrees ... You would have to press the [, or ] KB keys to get other views ... Does it make for a wider FOV curviture, like a wide screen monitor, or anything like a dual monitor ?
Why do you post when you have no idea what you are talking about?

Most other games with TrackIR there is an almost 360 degrees of horizontal. The viewer can look toward the back. The head doesn't go 360 but the view does. The whole idea is not to use keys.

Sheez, hate the bandwidth you always waste.

In a loco cab you would not turn your head like an owl can, 360 degrees, you would swivel the chair, reposition your body, or stand up and turn your body backwards. So you would use the KB [ ] keys
In a loco cab you would not turn your head like an owl can, 360 degrees, you would swivel the chair, reposition your body, or stand up and turn your body backwards. So you would use the KB [ ] keys
No, with TrackIR you can swivel in your chair and look back, lean over in the chair and look back, stand up and look back or stick your head out the window and look back in Railworks. Same with flight sims and shooters like Arma2.

That is how it should work, in Trainz you can only look out the side window or at the fireman position, really lame.

I'm picking up an aroma of skepticism. I'm astounded by equipment such as Oculus, TrackIR and the like, they really do add a new dimension to the immersion we can experience.

My experience with a gen one Oculus dev kit gave me this mindset, I found it incredible, a roller coaster demonstration which had me grabbing my chair subconsciously as though it were real. I was receiving the visual information and my brain filled in the rest, giving me a bump of adrenaline, as well as the feeling of falling when the roller coaster dropped off! :hehe:
It's too bad TRAINZ can't add a option for operating as a First Person. What I mean, is you can walk around outside, step up the steps, open the door, walk down the walkway, go to the toilet(!),... i.e., do just about everything a first person shooter game can do. As it is, you must either use the default movement keys, or set up the -freeintcam option in the Trainzoptions file to move around.

I asked for them to at least give us the "walk" function (what is it? Alt "U"-??) in Driver as well as Surveyor, but that hasn't materialized as of yet.

Oh well, whatever.
There are also other options available, Freetrack, TrackNoIR as well as several others. These use freely downloadable so0ftware and you make the hardware yourself. I built mine for around NZ$60. this was mostly the camera cost. It works really well in most games. I use it a lot in TRS2012 as well all my flying and driving simulators, there are some limitations and you set the system to perform how you want, however I have not been able to get it working in TANE yet. I hope it is doable in the release. It does add a quite a another level of immersion to the game.
Question for Tony and the team. Will TANE have Head tracking capability, preferable using options to allow for both TrackIR and Freeware versions.
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The 1st person view would be nice but I know my luck would be to end up with unending plugged toilets creating endless maintenance work on the layouts
Being an old steam engineer, I'm still waiting for 'stinky-vision'! There's nothin' like the smell of steam and hot oil to get you immersive..............
Especially when your wearing it.....................combined with the MAAANLY stench of an honest days work................unbeatable.........the ladies just love it!

Anonymous contributor.....
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