freestuff & payroutes


so... after having fun with tons of great freestuff in the last year, i bought today american intermodal and legacy of the bn... although i mostly "work" with t:ane, i purchased a.i. for the support (replacement free stuff) and the hope it will have update.... as i'm a (very-) shortliner i have the pretension to cut in the lecagy till i can use it as a modelrailroad....

thankyou so much jointed-rail for the beautiful assets... it makes my life a lot smoother....

i will share the progress here...

in another thread i will place my experience-trip with downloading assets = free- + payware....
here i will reduce to JRstuff: American Intermodal & Legacy of the Burlington Northern

after finding some solutions for the missings, faulties and obsoletes there remain only 1 red line: American Intermodal showed in "list dependencies" (right-click on red line) a bunch of 3D1_Pg's and 3DE_Pg's ... (Pofig trees)
i found a thread about replacing (speed)trees, but it didn't satisfy me... because maybe there is an easier and quicker way to free me from those reddies.. why not asking the payware-man.. maybe there is a hidden update waiting .....

- American Intermodal
very nice shortliner
with quiet industries.. except the Terminal Industry: a hard working Mi-Jack Crane and beauty-trucks are coming ..
the wheels of the trailers are rolling fine, but not those of the trucks... i can understand that they don't steer, but not rolling !..... well, there will be some solutions for that.... i think ....

i was actually expecting that there was also a train loaded with containers, like in the promomovie ...
but i have to make it myself... i think ....

product description:
- CC&W ex-NS SD9's (2), CC&W ex- NS SD60 (1), CC&W SD45-2 ex-CSX, CC&W SD40T-2 ex-DRGW, CC&W GP9, CC&W GP9B
- Company fuel tank cars, 48' Well cars, 53' Well cars
- New Intermodal Terminal Industry, Updated containers, Working Mi-Jack Crane, Fully animated loading/unloading process
when i search for a consist (rightsidetab "trains" - "train mode C") i find:
- CC&W empty reefer train (in red!?),
- CC&W oil train (in red!!??)...
- 3 wellcars dtx
in "vehicle mode T": (search CC&W)
- 2 GP9, 2 SD9M, 1 SD45-2, 1 SD40T-2 (ex-DRGW), 1 SD60 (ex NS)
- boxcar, hopper, caboose (red!), gondola, fuel tender

highway: cars are following the guardrail... and even passing goes via the other guardrail, no matter oncoming car(s)...

and i have to find out how to manage highways and roads and the traffic and ...
one of my next workshops.... i think ...

- Burlington Northern
nice nature, cute industries, bit boring...
too long for me, shortliner as i am...
so i cut some boards and merge it together, pasting some scenery like lake and bridges and a lost industry...
first "fixing" the height with topologictool to 0... then tracks and roads bringing back to the ground...

till now i have no new experiences... i did it with some other layouts: shortline industries..
but now i meet moving cars on different roads.. crossing the rails... new scripts for safeness.......
i already tried to avoid this with railcrossings and junctions.... so, one of my next workshops.... i think ...

- AI & BN
and i merged those two together...
new challenge ... i think ...

;) Nice work and good ideas shared,

I merge layouts all the time and it takes lots of work as you notated here.

Adjusting for height differences etc. can be tedious and in some cases I cannot merge with over a 500" difference.

However I do get great ideas and design characteristics from the Authors so for me, I get some really interesting merges to play with.