Fostoria Ohio (WIP)

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Sorry for the late post wasn't felling well, messing around with the grasses now, tell me how it looks!
You mean this tower?

It's coming along slowly, I have so many projects going right now I barely have time for any of them. I'm slowly progressing on it, after I get the handrails in on those stairs I'll start throwing in the windows and details. Then I'll add textures and it'll be done!
C&O line - does it really jog east in the Fostria triangle?

With all due respect, and if you aim to depict real world accuracy on this route, I would suggest not taking those cyan hog textures for granted as showing an accurate actual track routing. In the C&O north-south line depicted in your screenshot (which is looking approx. south), the terrain map you are using implies this line jogs east a little to create the curve you've modeled over the cyan. However, if we look at an aerial view from google maps below, it is clear there is no such eastward jog in the C&O line:

The same can be said for other features in this map, if you are interested in depicted the real world in your modeling.
Hello denebean and thank you for pointing that out! I also understand some other things are not really there, and will try my best to correct them.
You only need to mind the curves in downtown Fostoria. Once you get out of town, you can follow the cyan because the routes pretty much run straight along fixed compass headings. When it comes to parallel tracks, textures do not have enough resolution to show track spacing, so don't believe the spacing on any parallel cyan trails.
Great shots as well as work in progress. Try to rememer the golden rule that routes are never done and never do anything in trainz your not willing to loose. I've been using this thing since 2004 and at first I resisted and Auran warned me about anger. Soooo then it evolved...... and now it continues to evolve within me!

Cheers mate and keep up the good work?
WHat was the other route by the way?
Thanks for the compliments Williamb73! The other route I think you are talking about is Harpers Ferry, which I still work on from time to time.
Is the route out yet? And where is it going to be? I really want that route!:udrool:
Welcome to the community.

If a topic is 3 years dead, there is a good chance so is the project.
Kicking a dead topic on your first post probably does not do well for a first impression ;).
Not having a version of the game registered to your account also does not help in getting serious reactions, so I suggest you also go change that by going here:

@ JackieG:
Let us know if you want to have the topic locked / closed. Can always re-open it if you change your mind later.
This route hasent been touched since I got my new PC. It has never been in Ts12, and personally this is not up to standards of my work now, but I might come back to it.

For now Oknotsen, you can lock it for now, I will PM you if i want it reopened.

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