Finding Sessions


Yesterdayz Trainz Member
Is there any way to find sessions for a particular route? I just did a search for sessions with "ECML" in the title on the DLS, and turned up a bunch. But when I downloaded them they were for ECML routes from TS10 and TS12 that the content manager identified as "unknown" (thank god for and not for the route in T:ANE

I'd roll my own, but my god it's so HUUUUUGE!! It'd take forever just to make sure all the turnouts were set right...
All I can suggest is, that you use the available filters & untick the version boxes for all except Tane, that will filter out everything made for earlier versions.
Sessions will have the same version number as the route. I think, in TANE you can't download a session without the route. Earlier versions you could just download the session and change the kuid of the route in the configure file. Course this didn't mean it would work but you had a starting point to edit the session to get it to work.

So it seems the answer to my original question:

Is there any way to find sessions for a particular route?

is no, there is no way to use the website or the Content manager and basically say "Show me all sessions for route kuid:123456:789789"

That sucks.
So it seems the answer to my original question:

is no, there is no way to use the website or the Content manager and basically say "Show me all sessions for route kuid:123456:789789"

That sucks.

It may seem that way, but have you tried searching for just sessions created for T:ANE ECML?

If you are looking within the new CM, you can use the minimum build number for searching.

With the current filter setup:

On Download Station = True
Installed = False
Minimum build version = 4.2
Obsolete = False

To get to these additional filter options, click the main category at the top part of the Filter.
Click on the down arrow to expand the filter
To remove unwanted categories such as Payware, and Built-in, click the minus (-)

To add in the filters above, click the plus (+) to add in. By default it will be Category, which you can change to what you want.

Using that setup, revealed a bunch of stuff. At the moment there are 623 assets, routes included available for download which are 4.2 minimum build. (my choice of a build number). this session was found.

<kuid2:169301:100074:1> ECML Freightliner Edinburgh - Berwick

There are probably more, but I didn't look.
I did just that, except I used 3.9 and added category: session. That one you mention was all that showed, and it seems to be broken. I spent my time sitting at the start behind a red signal until it penalized me for not passing a check point.

In any case these are all close but no cigar answers as this relies on the creator using ECML in the title and does not make a direct connection to the route itself.
That's too bad it didn't work for you. Unfortunately like anything that requires keywords, you'll end up only with specific items that only have that specific word in the text string even if there are other items that are related to the intended subject, but are named differently. I wonder how much information gets lost that way these days!

Anyway... If you are interested in another truly beautiful UK route, check out these here:

<kuid2:169301:100060:1> TANE Cornish Mainline Session from Truro
<kuid:515942:100007> TANE 1930s Cornish Mainline and Branches
<kuid:515942:100072> TANE, 1930s Cornish Mainline - Truro to Penzance, Phase 1 Redruth

The routes are by robert3a0 and the operating session is by terry_wagstaff for the Truro route.

There is one missing dependency - a tree by mcguirel which didn't get replaced on the transfer from TS12 to T:ANE, but other than that it operates very nicely, though Terry does use a Class 47 diesel and DMUs instead of steam locomotives. He explains this in his description. You could always clone the session and replace the trains with what you wish to operate.