finding recently added Route/Session version


New member
When I am trying to download a multiplayer copy of my route and session pack I am being told that the software is available for download. Others are successful in their downloading. I can only see some earlier versions of the session/route when I use Content manager and search through what is available on download station. Yet others are downloading it , and I need to download it so I can host multiplayer games. But I can't since I can't locate it using Content manager. I delete the current local version after I make a cdp save of it . And I go looking for it at DLS, but it won't show up in Content manager. Here are the screenshots of the information I got using Content manager and then my content in Planet Auran. Is it just waiting to be put on DLS ,or where did it go. I am looking for
Dig Deep in the pits 1.6:10 and Dugout Full :1
anyhow comes the info .The two first ones in Red are the ones I would like to download the way the others are doing it. I can't do it using CM since I can't see it there.

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KUID Title Content for LIneAxeTitleStatusMultiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.6
Last Updated: 27th Nov 2011
File Size: 106.77 kb
Downloaded: 7
Last Updated: 27th Nov 2011
File Size: 70.16 kb
Downloaded: 12
Last Updated: 23rd Nov 2011
File Size: 68.86 kb
Downloaded: 29
AvailableMultiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5
Last Updated: 3rd Nov 2011
File Size: 86.73 kb
Downloaded: 104
Last Updated: 3rd Nov 2011
File Size: 66.42 kb
Downloaded: 98
AvailableMultiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5
Last Updated: 15th Oct 2011
File Size: 19.56 kb
Downloaded: 65
Last Updated: 13th Oct 2011
File Size: 75.93 kb
Downloaded: 354
AvailableMultiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits beta 1.3
Last Updated: 10th Oct 2011
File Size: 31.59 kb
Downloaded: 63
AvailableMultiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.1
Last Updated: 6th Oct 2011
File Size: 16.01 kb
Downloaded: 90
AvailableMultiPlayer- Dig Deep in the Pits
Last Updated: 5th Oct 2011
File Size: 15.59 kb
Downloaded: 135

and now here comes my printout of what I see in CM using my Author ID

Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.1,<kuid2:630564:100041:1>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5,<kuid2:630564:100127:3>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.6,<kuid2:630564:100344:6>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits beta 1.1,<kuid:630564:100045>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits beta 1.2,<kuid:630564:100051>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.6,<kuid2:630564:100344:7>
MultiPlayer- Dig Deep in the Pits,<kuid2:630564:100026:1>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5,<kuid:630564:100090>
Multiplayer - Dig Deep in the Pits.,<kuid:630564:100022>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5,<kuid:630564:100127>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.5,<kuid2:630564:100127:1>
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.6,<kuid2:630564:100344:5>

the last one shows an asset I updated in the middle of week. So I am somewhat close to the version that I want to be using online. I am looking for the following two assets/kuids
Multiplayer - Dig deep in the Pits 1.6,<kuid2:630564:100344:10>

What I really would like to figure out at this point is are they all downloading it when I can't even find it :)
Anyone got any ideas or tips on this ? Heh, seems simple but ...

Ok by checking with another Trainz bud of mine, I have found that up to the 9th revision is showing up on DLS. I am still learning how all of this fits together, so bear with me. I am just guessing that the assets are not quite fully processed and will show up soon. Still, there is the mystery of how all the others are downloading it ...

Questions are just answers inverted. Are questions just answers inverted?
After a Item appears on the DLS it can take 24-48 hours for Content Manager to recognize that its there. Therefore you may have to wait a day or so after it appears to download it. Usually you get a ? when its downloaded instead of the DS symbol.

wow kewl, i thought some kinda processing must be going on...
now I know . I haven't really gone through the cycle enough times to figure it all out.
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That was my point a long while back, 9 updates sent to the DLS of the same session and gawd knows how many copies of the same route. And people wonder why most of us don't bother with it. :eek:
Well , the route and session were written just so me and a coupla friends here in Vancouver could play it multiplayer. We enjoyed the map , even when I had it in the beta. I also did contact DLS about removing any older and obsolete versions so there would only be one. I tried using OBSOLETE in my config file and wrote here on the forums about removing older content. Not that I haven't tried cleaning up my older stuff. I am new to the trainz world and have tried several options. Most of the earlier stuff I had sent to DLS would not run multiplayer on my system ,since I was archiving locally . Thus all the betas came out. When we worked that problem out , I was experimenting with using the version control. And trying to find where in the database my content was being stored on DLS. So, if I write here on forums to find out what others are experiencing when searching with CM , it is just so I can learn how the system works. Anyhow, the route and session are just betas that I wrote for us to have some fun on. If anyone else enjoys playing on them that is great. I would love to have a match up !!
If anyone knows how I can clean up that old content from DLS's archives let me know . I know I did try including the obsolete tag in a config file . And I had thought that using version control :1 :2 :3 etc might at least keep the files down to a minimum. But everytime I try something new , like creating an experimental route/session , I find that it gives me a new kuid and then I can't copy any of the modifications back into the route/session that I was using the version control on. Ack, heheh ,anyhow sorry about all the files. I wish I knew how to just get it so I was only sending up one route/session to the server , that I could modify later , so me and my buds can play it online :) That is my goal . You see , I am learning tons of new stuff here and finding out how to fix my trigger logic. Testing the direction markers ,priority markers and the whole lot. And I want to share the stuff with my buds so we can all look at it and figure things out. Right now I am adjusting signals positions on the map as well. The AI trains are showing me stuff and I now have copy where they are running together fairly well. Oh, and I have found that I accidently delete traffic lights and whatnot so I send another patch/upgrade/fix to take care of that. There is about 50 traffic lights there so far. The AI seems to be doing ok with them right now. Much to learn still. However I do apologize for all the upgrades. I hope to be finished with this map soon.
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