Finding Layouts


New member
I'm pretty new to TrainZ so I have a question...
Basically it is this: In Download Station if I click on Routes & Layouts I see there are well over 1000 layouts to choose from. Is there anywhere, either inside or outside the Auran website, where a person can get more detailed information about all these different layouts? The search function in the Download Station is very basic so, without having to download many layouts to find ones I might enjoy, is there a better way to narrow the search to ones that I might be interested in?

Along with that, is there anywhere where there is a rating system or a review for the many, many downloads available? I realize ratings and reviews are subjective but the shear number of downloads available is mind blowing to the newbee.

I realize I an build my own layouts, and I plan to do that, but I'm looking for layouts I can enjoy now.

The forums right here are probably the best place to find the info you're seeking. Try getting into the "Screenshots" or "Freeware Announcements" sections and just browse until something catches your eye. The good thing about that is, if there are any tricks to finding dependencies, you'll already have that info if you choose to DL the route. The bad thing is, sometimes you'll start looking at screenies on someone's new creation, and you've already got your mind made up this is the PERFECT route. Then you get to the end and find that its not released yet, and a ways to go to be finished.
Hi Silvis,

If you post the type and location of railroads you are interested in you will probably get quite a few recomendations. Also look at the number of times a layout has been downloaded, this could give an indication of how popular it is although you will also have to consider the length of time it has been available, check the upload date.

That's a good idea...

Okay, here's what I'm envisioning for a layout...

One one end would be a small yard or staging area where I could place three or four different train configurations. Then there would be a "mainline track" that would lead to two or three different industrial areas. Each industrial area would not be super complex but each would have several industries so that I could do some switching before moving on to the next industrial area (something like the old HO model TimeSaver layout, if you know what that is).

Each running session would consist of: choose one of the train configurations. That configuration would come with a scenario of which industry is to get which train car and which train cars are to be picked up.

Hope that makes sense.
I sugest you dont limit yourself to those with sessions. Run the railroad your way.
Tried the Tidewater Point Rail? It is built in.
Hello Silvis,

Welcome to the forum, as Bill69 suggested, can you please advise us which current Trainz version you are using, and secondly, what type of trains are you interested in ?? Steam or diesel, narrow guage or standard guage, passenger trains or freight, or both.....With you being American, are you only interested in that type of layout or, are you interested in other countries different type of railroads also ??
I counted well over 3100+ layouts on the DLS tonight with all the Trainz version boxes ticked, and I agree that as a newcomer it's a complete headache where to start. I think that most creators don't have the time or the space to write a complete dossier of the layout that they have created, some are complete fiction, others are prototypical, so the description of the route can be very basic, and there isn't anywhere on-line that you can get a better brief of what's been built, I'm afraid.....
There are some layouts that use hundreds of assets where the creator has used a lot of detail or "eye candy" as you Americans put it, they are all brilliant, however, depending on the amount of computer-hungry spline usage, some of them could bring your computer to its knees with the amount of assets involved, so, you have to be careful with what you are looking for really, and at the end of the day, we ALL like something different, so what I may consider suitable, might not be to your liking, it's all trial and error in the end when you download stuff. What I would suggest to you, is that when you download a route off the DLS that BEFORE you download all the necessary assets you go into the map and have a look to see if it's a suitable length and if it looks good in your eyes and if it isn't, then, you can delete it and you haven't wasted time and bandwidth downloading all the necessary assets in vain.....

I can heartily recommend you download any of Phil Skene's layouts as they are all computer friendly and offer some wonderful industrial and freight train running and switching and they are all OK for use with American, British or Australian locomotives and rolling stock and signals to match. Phil is one of our veteran layout builders and his routes offer a benchmark to the kind of layouts that are on offer and what you yourself can build in the future if you can afford the time and patience.....

Post back here with some answers to our questions and we'll offer you some more suitable suggestions.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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I very much appreciate everyone's replies and information. I will download some of the layouts listed in your replies but I've decided to try to build my own layout.

I've already started and am pleased so for - we'll see. That way, if I finish, I will have learned a huge amount and will have something just the way I want.

Don't worry, I'll have plenty of questions as I go along.
Thanks again.