What to do with <unknown asset>?


New member
I have a pair of assets I want to download: <kuid:-2:682335797> and <kuid:-2:682335815>. When I search for the assets in the content manager, it says:
<unknown asset>
And when I try to download it, I get an error message:
- <kuid:-2:682335797> : Asset <kuid:-2:682335797> was not found on the Download Station.
What should I do? Is there anyone who knows what to do to install the assets?

Thanks in advance :)
pair of assets I want to download: <kuid:-2:682335797> and <kuid:-2:682335815>
All assets with negative KUIDs that I have installed are produced by Auran and (I just checked to confirm) it is the same on the DLS.

There is only a single asset that begins with -2: (<kuid:-2:1018> Signal MN 02) and it has its author identified as "unknown" so this is probably an error of some sort since the digits in front of the ":" identify the author and "-2" is not recognised by Content Manager.

Why do you need to download them? Are they a dependency of another asset? If so which asset?
Apart from what was said above, kuid-2 is often found as a pirated kuid of older versions of Trainz that are not registered because they do not have a legal serial number. In downloads from some websites in different areas of the world (Eastern Europe and Asia), you can sometimes find some of these kuids from authors who do not have a legal version of the game.
-2 is not a pirated version of Trainz. I have had this assigned to an asset that I created and installed. The -2 ID was placed because I did not at the time have my user/author number in the settings window of Trainz. My creation or saved routes were given -2 by default because it did not know my user number.
-2 is not a pirated version of Trainz
That may well be correct but certainly an unregistered version - unregistered by not having the serial number or not logging it in with your username and password, as you mentioned in your example.
As I said before, if you visit Trainz websites from all over the world and especially from somewhat exotic countries (Eastern Europe and Asia) you will find these strange kuids.
After consulting my extensive database in TANE, I have found 1729 kuid-2 .
These kuid-2 are not built-in, they are downloaded and installed and appear in the content organizer as modified.
As an example I have according to the type of object:
1035 Train
153  Train component
129 Building
97  Sound
51  Scenery
22  Track
74  Track object
55  Vehicle
12  texture
13  spline
14  mesh
20  sesion
21  route
Some of these kuid-2 have usernames in Cyrillic characters or strange names and that is why they are made by authors who do not have a legal kuid number and use the kuid-2 that trainz accepts. Other illegal authors make up a kuid number, but these kuids are detected by the content organizer and it transforms them into wrong ones.
To answer the op, post the unknown kids on the "missing kuids? Post them here" thread, and if anyone knows about them they may be able to tell you where to get them
Among the KUIDs with "-2" as author I have, many of them come from Romanian, Japanese, American and French payware.