Feather River Canyon

Excuse me for a moment, while I come up with a solution.

Edit-Here's what I threw together.

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Update 12/31

I am now having second thoughts about releasing the demo version of FRR to the public. I was reviewing the MSTS version last night and I kept noticing how it looks compared to mine. After looking over my own route, I have become quite annoyed by ground textures, track textures, and select scenery items. They simply don't work together.

Because of this, I am now debating on whether to postpone the demo release for a few months to give me time to rework scenery and textures with some of my own custom ones I have been making or just release the demo without any changes. I'm leaning toward postponing the demo at the moment, but good there is some good news for Western Pacific fans. While I have been working on the route, I have also been making custom content to go with the route. In addition, I also have created a small collection of my own custom Western Pacific rolling stock reskins that are to go with the release of the entire route. My goal is to atleast get some of this content out to the Trainz public in the new year (or as soon as I receive permission from the original creators of the models I reskinned).

So, although the demo route may not be out, we can still look forward to some new WP content in the very near future.

Happy New Years!

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Demo Release

Hello D.C.,

You could try releasing what you have as a beta version. That way you can get feedback and make improvements based on the feedback.

a good idea to beta test this route

I agree that beta testing is a good idea the screens posted so far look amazing and show great effort was taken in landscaping please consider beta test
Update 1/11

Been taking a break from TRS for a while...but I had an urge. So... here's a quick update.


Paxton Lumber

A local freight headed toward Oroville



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Fixed the issue and now the route is running smoother than before. Here's the promised shots of the Portola area. Enjoy everyone and thank you all for your support.



Portola Engine House (Now the site of the Western Pacific Railroad Museum)


A bird's eye view of the loop

Back near Keddie...

Paxton Siding


I would like to ask:o where you got that engine house and the track those grain hoppers and the evans hoppers in the other photos.
@cascaderailroad: The Williams Loop will be on the route. I will eventually get to around to building it as the route progresses.

@montanawestren: The engine shop is / was on DLS I believe. I have since replaced the building with new shop that is more prototypical to Portola and deleted the old one (therefore, haven't a clue what it was called). Also, the track is my own reskin of Jointed Rail's freeware track.

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I Tell Ya That This Route Is Amazing
Makes Me Sad It Wont Be For TS09

but the thing that caught my eye is keddie wye

here is one of my own pics

photo taken on my phone
Alive and Thriving

Been a while since I updated the thread. I have been revamping the route with shrubs and new textures. So far, I'm very pleased with the outcome. Also, it's a long and slow process, but I am still managing to extend the end of track toward Oroville,.. in TS09. So for those WP modelers out there, who still have TS09, you're in luck.

In addition, check out the website : http://projectwestern.webs.com/

New models / re-skins / demos will be arriving over the next few months, all Western Pacific of course, but with some Sacramento Northern stuff mixed in. :Y:







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I have always loved the Feather River Route. I got the DVD about it. Might think about modeling it someday!

(If i ever finish the one of hundreds of BNSF projects that i have)
Update 4/5

A quick shot of the developing canyon. Much more custom content to be made for it.


Update 4/6

The canyon where it begins to narrow. More details will be added with more time.



A W.I.P WP GP9 passes the unfinished part of the canyon, headed towards Oroville. Everything is a W.I.P :hehe:

Update 4/9

@montanawestren: actually, as a matter of fact, that is ballast. It's a custom texture / track setup I made that is more for desert and dry climate areas, but was the best example of the track in the canyon (from photos as far as I can tell). However, this texture / track setup will soon be replaced with another track that matches the prototype better. Just a matter of time to finish so many smaller projects that build the route.

An update from whats new in the canyon. The unit is still a W.I.P., but nearing completion very soon.

A GP9 switches the Virgilia set out.




Been a while since I've been on here to check, I'm glad this project is still going. Looks 200% better with the revamped textures/vegetation. And this...

... in TS09. So for those WP modelers out there, who still have TS09, you're in luck.

...is really good news! Looking forward to it!
Update 4/23...Sad News


As some of you know, my machine has been struggling to allow me to run any program (TS2009 being one of the worst for it to try to run). Over the past few weeks, it's slowed to a crawl and refuses to open TS09 successfully now. I have been attempting to find a fix to whatever the problem might be but not one has been found. It's just best to say the machine is on it's way out. So, because of this, I am packaging up everything in Trainz and putting it away in the "vault" for safe keeping. Unfortunately, next time I open these files, they will be opened up in TS2012. That being said, everything of mine (including the Feather River Route, rolling stock, reskins, etc) from this point on will be in TS2012.

There is one piece of good news however. As long as things don't get any worse, I will try to release the WP GP9 pack that I had been working to complete. This is will be the last upload from TS2009.

Sorry folks. The old machine has done the best it can :(


Hold it there mate. I think that you would be able to continue it for 2009 in TS12 so long as the build number isn't changed. This may also mean no speedtrees (not that that will be missed) and hopefully still TS2009 compatable. This is just my experience, but it may be different. I wouldn't get my hopes up (not becuase I have to) but myself and UPbigboy will see what we what we can do to have the route work in the earliest possible version of Trainz.
