FDL Fond Du Lac For T:ANE <kuid:373500:100024> and companion session FDL For T:ANE Basic <kuid:373500:100028> are now available on the DLC.
These new assets provide a clean port of the Fond du Lac Branch. The basic session contains all the standard settings for the atilaxings, junction links and ASB crossing controls. All track segments and junctions have tested good. The portals are working.
NOTE: These assets do NOT obsolete their ancestors. If you are running the FDL12 series, your experience should be unaffected. At the same time, the existing FDL12 sessions should work with these assets provided the user edits the config.txt file map entry to point to 100024 instead of 100006:xx. You can download and use the FDL- consists but will have to edit the defective ones. See below.
CAVEAT: I have tested only "Morning Connection" in T:ANE and discovered the <Schedule Rule> to be seriously defective (Trouble Ticket is in). The other sessions I have not tried, and probably will not soon. I have other fish to fry. Besides, T:ANE won't work with my RailDriver :n:
If you are unfamiliar with FDL or FDL12 Fond Du Lac, this 50Km/30 Mile route connects the city of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with the Milwaukee Road Old North Main at Iron Ridge, WI, serving three communities along the way. It interchanges with itself at Iron Ridge and with both the SOO and C&NW at Fond du Lac. It serves both agricultural and light manufacturing industries. For more detail see the readme file contained in the route, by going to Manage Content, highlighting the route and opening it in Explorer. You can copy the readme file to your desktop and Revert the asset. (Yes, the MR "Iron Ridge & Mayville" layout is based on the southern 7 miles of this route.)
If you have created sessions of your own, there will not likely be any issues. The only track that was disturbed was the BSC limestone dump pit, which had to be re-created with a MIN, a crossing on the SOO south of the freeway and the two Milwaukee Road portals at Iron Ridge which were removed and replaced to get rid of a faulty old locomotive that wouldn't go away otherwise. And one of the turntable stubs had to be replaced, but it was the one at 6:30 which is just an overrun track anyway.
While I don't plan to do anything further with this asset, you are welcome to play with it. If you create any significant expansions or re-arrangements, I'd enjoy taking a look at them. If I can be of any assistance with advice or info, PM me. (Well, I just downloaded a cool 7-ft speeder turntable...)
About the FDL- consists available on the DLS: Due to the ongoing content repair project at N3V, a lot of issues have gone away since the beginning of 2018, but some assets in the consists are still faulty. Happily, these are easily dealt with because the assets are not built in to the consist asset. All you have to do is open the consist config file in a text editor and delete or replace the faulty item with a good one, then commit the changes. Do be sure to use the latest version of each consist to start.