Active member
It's been 18 months since I did anything with the Branch. The COVID-19 epidemic is providing lots of free time so I've started a general overhaul of the route and sessions in T:ANE to improve appearance and try to improve performance.
Once the sessions currently in T:ANE have been overhauled I can start thinking about porting some of the others to keep the story coherent.
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- Alignment and track are not involved so existing sessions will continue to operate. The only track change to date is the Mayville Metalworks spur. The 60-lb rail previously installed is invisible so has been replaced.
- All portal consists have been removed from the route itself and sessions will be modded to comply.
- Portal consists have been reviewed and will be updated with new and hopefully error-free assets. Majekear has given me permission to correct the few of his cars that throw errors, where I can. Some have already been uploaded to the DLC.
- "Trees Are Thousands" was the title of an article in Model Railroader. Boy, was that right. I'm going through and replacing the old ghost and mirror trees with modern assets, largely clam1952's billboards with a leaven of newer speed trees. This has already improved performance significantly. We're down to Nasbro at this point, having started in Fond du Lac.
- I may replace some of the shrubbery with newer more subltly-colored assets. We'll see.
- Some signals will be updated at Iron Ridge. Unlabelled signals will be given mileage labels.
- Mileposts will be corrected, or at least rendered less incorrect.
- Some sessions will have added features, with more defined endings.
Once the sessions currently in T:ANE have been overhauled I can start thinking about porting some of the others to keep the story coherent.
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