The Sanitation Truck simulator, EMT Rescue, and Underground Mining simulator sounds equally exciting ... as does the Ship simulator (chugada, chugada, chugada, Awuhhhh, Awuhhhh)
The Sanitation Truck simulator, EMT Rescue, and Underground Mining simulator sounds equally exciting ... as does the Ship simulator (chugada, chugada, chugada, Awuhhhh, Awuhhhh)
Hi everybody
I have engaged in a farm simulator game on the Android platform which proved to be very good. The player has to prepare the fields, grow the chosen crop(s) and then eventually market the product for the best profit possible considering transport and growing costs etc in the equation. I had to compete with other players (farmers) or the computer which proved interesting and a "very good laugh" with the group of players I joined in with as the server was always throwing various problems at us.
I have now moved on to "Unmatched Air Traffic Controller" on the same platform which is an exelent game graphically and very addictive. Now on level seven with dual runway airport but have been responsible for the deaths of very many air passengers and crew getting to that stage.:hehe:
Haven't gone to 2017 yet, wait till bugs are ironed out. Have 2011, 2013 and 2015.
Dave, check out a map called 'PV15'.
It not only has farming, but you can quarry for materials to build factories to produce goods from your crops.
You can also carry out Forestry operations to get products for your factories.
They have basic trains as well where you can send finished products off map for income.