Downtime issues with my tutorial site


Tutorial Creator
Hi Trainzers,

Some of you may have noticed an error whilst trying to connect to my tutorial site.

I am aware of the issue and am trying to fix it, as it's a fairly involved problem affecting part of the site.

Please bear with me whilst I am fixing the problem. If you require a utility or a specific tutorial, please let me know as I can provide an alternative method if needed.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this unexpected downtime.

My forum is still working properly at this stage so I may be able to provide links via that if needs be.


EDIT: The problem appears to be affecting parts of the site.

EDIT EDIT: The problem is affecting my PEVSoft Tools page. Whilst I am fixing the issue, bear with me whilst I sort out the alternative links. If someone needs a particular tool urgently, let me know and I can provide the link for it fairly quickly.
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A further update on the site situation. The issue appears to have solved itself - anyone who is getting the error needs to refresh their page using Control + F5 (or clear their cache).
