Doodle bus anyone?


New member
Gas- Elictric rail car

Has anyone seen a gas electric car on dls? I found a Mc Keen car and RDCs but none like the ones built buy EMC etc.
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Give it some time, and the knowledgeable people will reply.

I've not heard of one, myself, but I'm rather new to the community.
If you can post pics or specifications in

Prototype Forum you might trigger some memories or some creative juices .
Doodle Bugs (USA)/Rail motors (aus)/ Brill Cars (Aus-SouthAus- Barwell Bull- due to horn sound) Santa Fe had an Articulated version - will post pic
There are helpful people around -just 8:00 AM Eastern Summer time here in Aus (Sydney )
Hi there

There is a NSW railmotor class 400? in 3 livers & trailer, and I thought there was also a VR one too. I have also a the 2nd version of a Brill class class 75 I downloaded.
