Does anybody have any theories about the cause of random "bottomless pits"?


Well-known member
Did Trainz software engineers purposely design some self-destructive behavior into the game?

Has this phenomenon ever been thoroughly investigated by any person deeply knowledgeable on software?

How can random damage be programmed to happen at any time or any spot? Simply by the
generation of random numbers. Every spot on a Trainz map has an address in terms of digital data
or storage/memory location. Why the random damage is programmed to happen solely along the borders of Trainz map board squares is yet
another puzzling mystery.

Holes, texture spots, topographical displacement and terrain spikes (not created by human editors of Trainz maps, accidentally or intentionally) just don't appear on train boards by magic. There has to be instructions in the program to cause this.

It is humans who write the instructions for programs in computing.

This is the phenomenon that occurs on just about every Trainz map under the sun if you
work in Surveyor long enough.

This is the random deep holes and sharp spikes.

This is the random blotches of texture color spots.

This is the phenomenon that chiefly occurs along the borders of train board squares.

Is it conceivable that N3V may be sending viruses to member's computers via downloaded
content or through their Trainz/Planet Auran account when they are logged on because somebody here
bad-mouthed them in the past?

Would any entity affiliated with the design of the Trainz game stoop so low?

What conspiracy theories might YOU want to add?
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It comes from editing other peoples routes, and when you edit a texture, that is copy pasted, it confuses Trainz, and makes a pit, or spike
Every spot on a Trainz map, no matter whom created it, should have an exact memory location. I fail to follow the logic of editing the routes of others as a root cause of random alterations of the route. When an engine is placed on a track on a certain spot on the map, it is committed to the memory. If there is a certain spot on a map at a certain elevation, there is no way this particular ground elevation should ever be altered unless this spot is edited using surveyor tool of some sort.

Every last bit of map, including every last blotch of Paint texture, content has a memory address somewhere on the computer's RAM or hard disk.

What does "copy/pasted" texture mean anyhow?

What is altering map information in all these various memory addresses?

I am looking for a computer science explanation here.

So, cascade,you are saying that if I were to create my entire scratch-built route from blank train boards, I should never have these random alterations happen?

Trainz is a piece of PC software. It is not a human mind so it should never be 'confused'. Programs only do what software engineers design them to do and what end users command them to do. They have no mind of their own.
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I never have problems, as I use TRS2006 for initial tracklaying

I never installed 10, 12, nor T:ANE, as my laptop will not run them, so I don't know

I may upgrade my routes to 10 or 12, then from there to T:ANE, someday ... but I don't need problems

It would be a less complicated world if N3V had taken TRS2006, and added better graphics/sound/shadows ... but instead they struck out (so to speak) by creating 09, 10, 12, and now T:ANE (all of which have major problems/glitchs/bugz)

TRS2006 ... The only Trainz program that runs flawlessly
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Yes, cascade, the root of the map troubles is in the software coding. That is exactly what I have suspected all along. Unless N3V is is sending me map-destroying malware via downloads on purpose because they hate my guts. Another wild theory of mine is software sabotage on the inside. Disgruntled programmers who deliberately encoded bad stuff into the Trainz game or games to get back at their employers.

Perhaps sim games like Trainz should be completely open source as opposed to being proprietary, in-house. This is where independent people all over the world can contribute to the game software development and improvement itself and not just add-on content.

If you were a software engineer by profession and a devout Trainzer, wouldn't you give your right arm just to be able get right into the game's internal code and take a peek at it?
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When they came out with 09, 10 ... that's when all the problems arose ... then 12 ... Now T:ANE ... OMG it just keeps getting worser, and worser, and worser.

You can still get a few virgin, unopened, brand new box, unregistered TRS2006 Trainz Railwayz Full Version, build 3337, trainz-build 2.6, by Merscom, on EBay ... and all your problems will go away (except for the fact that it is unsupported, and almost all assets require manual backdating of all config files)