Do we need an independent Asset Registry - Debate

The strength of a wiki solution is that the heavy lifting is spread out to the entire community. Like Wikipedia, it will still require some effort from moderators but, also like Wikipedia, the community can also provide corrections. The history capability in Mediawiki provides a quick reversion in the case of a big oops. Even deleted articles are not really deleted and can be recovered by the Sysadmin.

That said, a wiki may not be a good long term solution. The right answer is probably an AJAX powered web app with fixed fields for metadata and content and a shopping cart style catalog view. But, that calls for at least semi-custom code and, therefore, code maintenance. Lots of possibilities to go along with the effort. The programmer in me likes the idea. The IT manager in me sees the pitfalls in long term code maintenance.

I found out long ago that content maintenance done by one or a few gets to be a real pain for the maintainers. Finding a way for almost any one to add content in a structured way (for searchability) and for the interested community to assist with corrections go a long way to alieviate the pain.