

New member
I have posted three times and have had no replies to my questions and help.

Please will someone tell me if PM2IM is compatible with Windows Vista and if yes than, How should it be installed.

I have tried the Authors' way ( Pev) and it gives me the following error.

Error: '"C:\Program Files\Auran\TS2009\Extras\Third-party Addons\PEVSoft\PM2IM.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

Error: Process exited with error code 1

Please help

Perhaps no one that has read your posts knows the answer to the questions. I certainly don't. Have you tried a PM to PEV?
I have tried the Authors' way ( Pev) and it gives me the following error.

Error: '"C:\Program Files\Auran\TS2009\Extras\Third-party Addons\PEVSoft\PM2IM.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

Error: Process exited with error code 1

You are getting this message because the batch file can't find the PM2IM program. I suggest that you double check the path and filename in the string.. and double check that the PM2IM.exe exists in the folder..

If your TS2009 installation is not in the default location the string I supplied will not work.

Also If you have used the default installation for the PM2IM.exe that string will not work, you need to use the other option...
"C:\Program Files\PEVSoft\pm2im\PM2IM.exe"

or, move the PM2IM stuff to the PEVSoft folder in the TS2009 installation.

Also look in the TrainzDev explanation for using third party tools in the "open with" folder, there is another may of doing it there. Google "TrainzDev" to find it.

One last question.. have you attempted to run the PM2IM from the desktop icon.(if you have one)??
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It looks like your PM2IM.exe file is not in the Trainz folders and is probably in it's own PEVSoft folder in the Program Files folder. If so, change your batch file to read:

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\PEVSoft\PM2IM\PM2IM.exe" -trawl %

Cloud nine

Thank you, Mike, Peter V, and Bob for your quick response and help. I can now say that PM2IM is compatible with Windows Vista.

The program is working like a charm.

Here is what I found was missing in Pevs' instructions minor error in one of the batch file commands.

Old Command as per Pevs' intructions
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Auran\TS2009\Extras\Third-party Addons\PEVSoft\PM2IM.exe" -trawl %1

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Auran\TS2009\Extras\Third-party Addons\PEVSoft\PM2IM\PM2IM.exe" -trawl %1

Once again, thank you

Happy Railings :)
