disableing KUIDs


New member
Is it possible to disable or remove KUIDs from TR2004? I mean the ones included in the original content. If so how is it done?

It would be nice not to have to wade through the whole lists each time, and as I add things more in keeping with my scheme the load times are becoming quite long.
It is possible to disable built-in objects in TRS2004 using TrainzObjectz. If you don't have this program , go to http://www.trainzobjectz.co.uk and download it. Open TrainzObjectz and click on the tab "Built-in Objects" at the top of the screen. At the top of the grid that opens there is a column labeled "Disabled". Find the kuid that you don't want and click the disabled box. BEWARE. That some other route doesn't need the object you are disabling.
