Differences in the T:ANE editions?


New member
Forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, as yes, I didn't try to search for it...

I recently got an e-mail from N3V about T:ANE and a discount. So I'm seriously thinking about getting back into Trainz, but I'm trying to figure out what the differences are (if any) between Standard, Deluxe, and Collectors. So far, it looks like the biggest is Collectors is in the nice box / tin, with the postcards and paper (!!!) manuals and such.

Is there a "definitive" guide to the differences, or did I just cover most of them?

Thanks all
One of the differences I can definitely tell you is that the standard edition has 4 routes included, while the deluxe has 8 routes included.
Standard = missing some content that we're selling to you as DLC
Deluxe = not missing anything but the package feels really dreadful
Collector = Deluxe with a metal tin
Ergo - its just marketing exercise ? Whats new today ?
Of course it's a marketing exercise....that's how it works. Surprised you didn't know that.
The Standard version isn't missing anything. It has everything it's suppose to have. It has less than the Deluxe edition so it costs less. The Deluxe version has more routes, so it costs more. Unless you plan to excessively fondle the package, how it feels shouldn't be an issue. The Collectors Edition just has extra amenities that have nothing to do with the program itself....
I am also thinking of changing from 2010EE to T:ANE.
Some queries for the experts, please.
1. If I get T:ANE and download/install it will I have 2 lots of Trainz on my PC or does T:ANE supersede 2010
2. I have quite a few layouts on 2010. If T:ANE is downloaded on top of 2010 will I still have my 2010 layouts.
3. If not, can I transfer one to the other ? Will 2010 layouts even work on T:ANE ?
4. and what about all the tons of stuff from the DLS that I have on 2010.

Your, expert thoughts please

1. No, you will have two version installed separately: TS10 and T:ANE.
2. No, you will have to re-install them into T:ANE.
3. Yes, but you may have to fix some routes for TS10 to work in T:ANE.
4. You'll have to re-download them into T:ANE.

Thank you for that
are 2, 3 and 4 easy to do for an elderly non techie ?
and can you point me to where there may be a written crib on how to do it, pleas
2. Yes, save the routes and their dependencies to .CDP files through Content Manager.
3. That depends on the errors. I have yet to install T:ANE yet, so i don't know what errors it throws up, but i may be able to help if you post them here, or contact me via Private Messaging.
4. Yes. It may take a while, but if you have the stuff on your drive, you can just install them into T:ANE again.

Again, contact me via PM if you need any more help.

3. is a no, it can be done but you will have a lot of work to do.
The best way is to redownload or get TS12 and import to that first, get it to work and then import to TANE