Diesel Smoke When Waiting


Hi everybody, I've got a question about the smoke that comes out of diesel locomotives. When my AI trains are executing a wait command, either for a period of time or for another train to hit a trigger, as soon as they stop the exhaust smoke just pours out of the stacks (almost like a steam engine) until the wait command ends and they start moving again. It doesn't happen in manual mode or when all the commands have been executed. Is there any way to get them to stop smoking excessively? Thank you for any help!

Might be the game core bug. Did You try it with any loco, which is made completely in your game version native trainz-build, incl. all its deps?
Does this occur with all of your diesels, or particular models?

I've seen this in real life but then that was Guilford aka Pan Am Railways at the end who ran everything on to their last two wheels.