DEM Request - Manilfold Valley, Staffordshire


Well-known member
Would anybody here be able to create me a DEM of the Manilfold Valley in the UK, from Hulme End to Waterhouses?
British NG enthusiasts will know where I am going with this.
Interesting idea! I'm afraid I can't help with a DEM, but I can certainly help with some suitable locos and rolling stock, and perhaps even some custom buildings if you would like.
That would be excellent! Thank you very much for your kind offer. Would the locos and rolling stock be to the original 2ft 6in gauge, or 1ft 11 3/4in? There is some suitable 30in gauge track available.
The locos would be to whatever track gauge you decide to use. It's quite possible that I will produce both so that they can be used both on prototypical track and mixed and matched with other NG rolling stock.
That sounds good. I shall probably lay it in 2ft 6in gauge, seeing as there is some very nice track available from an American site (and a lovely Mallet too!).
Hi Nathan, I might be able to help with the DEM, if you can be a little patient - I'm off work for Xmas later this week, though I've got to sort out a mesh library for 23 Jankvis trees on my Lavenham route first :(

Thanks! That will do very nicely. When the route is released, you will be credited in the description for providing the DEM, should you do so.
OK Nathan. Do you have a map or anything, so I know what I'm aiming for, as I'm not familiar with this railway?



Here you go! Most of it is now a walking trail and the alignment is still clearly visible on Google Earth. A lot of the buildings are still there, too.
Very good! Let me get the JVC assets ready for Lavenham first, then hopefully my 'Christmas present' to the community and then I'll get cracking.... A while since I used TransDem, hope I can remember!

Thankyou very much! This project is a go then. I wonder how you would make a 2ft 6in transporter wagon work, I assume you would have to make a SG wagon product?
Thankyou very much! This project is a go then. I wonder how you would make a 2ft 6in transporter wagon work, I assume you would have to make a SG wagon product?

I was thinking I could use some of the static scenery wagons already available repackaged as products... The tricky ones might be milk tankers, as I don't believe there are any static ones available, however I'm sure I can work something out.
I've just received a copy of SC Jenkins book on the L&MVLR, in addition to the loco and carriage drawings I wanted there is a map and set of station track layout diagrams. Nathan, would you like me to send you some scans of these?
Thanks for this. I regret I've been tardy getting on to Nathan's request, firstly because I was completing my Mk2C project (still working on the Brake Gangwayed!) and secondly because I've been ill this week and laid up in bed(!)

However, a promise is a promise, so this will be my next thing to do.


If you get a problem making the DEM let me know. I have the TransDEM programme and know the Manifold valley - beautiful place.
