Deletion query


New member
I have tried to delete 2 items from the CMP but when I right click them in the list the dropdown menu 'delete' is greyed out and when I try the "X" at the top of the screen that doesn't seem to do anything either so how do I get rid of the unwanted items?
If the items you are trying to remove are built-in, then trainz will not let you delete them. You can, however, disable them. Right-click on the asset and there should be a 'disable' menu option.

Hello HTH,

No they are 2 items of a preview route I brought in and can't get a way round dispensing with them. They appear when you ask for items needing to be committed but as faulty wanted them off. As you say the only other way will be as you say is just to disable them. Thanks for reply
Hello HTH,

No they are 2 items of a preview route I brought in and can't get a way round dispensing with them. They appear when you ask for items needing to be committed but as faulty wanted them off. As you say the only other way will be as you say is just to disable them. Thanks for reply
I think you may find that the kuid number is faulty. Some creators in the early days of the Kuid2 system used 0 as the extension and CMP will see this as 127. I am not sure how to delete this type of content, but I have deleted it after many attempts, I just can not remember how.

If you post the kuid number I will have ago for you as well. While disabling it may work it may cause problems with other layouts.

You can always delete any non-built-in asset by finding its directory under the local directory and deleting it. Then delete the tdx file and let CMP rebuild it.
When I come across hopeless assets that can't be deleted, I open them for edit, minimize CMP-window, go into Explorer and lift them out from the editing-folder in TRS, by cut 'n' paste to desktop and from there to the bin.