Delete Many Baseboards??


Well-known member
Is there a way to delete many baseboards at once? I want to trim down a large route by deleting baseboards butseveral dozen boards, one at a time, does not appeal to me.
Still can't do this!!! :(

The good news is you can zoom way, way, way out though and see what you're deleting.

Happy clicking.... NOT!
Is there a way to delete many baseboards at once? I want to trim down a large route by deleting baseboards butseveral dozen boards, one at a time, does not appeal to me.

I wish there were.

There should be another type of map with all baseboards numbered and the option to select which ones you would like to delete. Then, just click "DELETE" and they'd be all gone at once.
I wish there were.

There should be another type of map with all baseboards numbered and the option to select which ones you would like to delete. Then, just click "DELETE" and they'd be all gone at once.

That would be too easy!

Seriously... We did ask for this during the beta testing, but it never made it anywhere.

I do like your method though. :D

I suggested this idea like 10 years ago as a tool embedded in surveyor somewhere, but it never made out of from the bottom of the suggesting bucket! -- :'(

One would think it would be something simple and easy to put in there ... just a tool .. click on it, it will tell you how many boards you have, and how many of these you want to select, highlight those, and press delete ... something like having an aerial map view as a guide!!!

Here's a TIP I learned.

If you are deleting textured and scenery-full Baseboards, DO NOT click on the EDGE of the baseboard. It might take 2-3 minutes for Surveyor to delete the board and if you've got a LOT of them to delete it might take you all day.

Instead, open a MAP window. Now Right Click close to the CENTER of the board you want to delete--- then Left click to delete. The board will be deleted ALMOST instantly.

Anyhow, I learned this the hard way.


My problem is that in T:ANE the Replace function crashes to the Desktop with no error file. On small routes, or a localized Replace, no problem. To add to the issue is that you have to be zoomed in so close you can only see very few boards. This makes a tedious task worse. Ideally if there was a way to split a route into 2 or three separate routes , do the Replaces, and then merge them together. Of course fixing the Replace would be best, but that is somewhere down the line. The TS12 routes, and prior, were the bread and butter of Trainz. A strong emphasis on importing and simple cleanup would be a major help for all. Oh. well, much can be done in TS12 to make a "T:ANE ready" route.