Custom cab... or not!


Well-known member
Something I don't understand: the BNSF 1970 that comes as freeware for those who pre-ordered the forthcoming Legacy of the BN route has a custom cab, while the locos in the payware BCI pack have not...
The BNSF 1970 is a bonus item that came with the purchase; i.e. there was a monetary transaction needed to access it. Not every payware item on the site has a custom cab, and that is taken into consideration when items are priced. Most locomotive packs already have a significant discount built in vs. what you'd normally pay for the quantity involved.
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I'm not sure I'll buy further JR products if "Product Description" or "Additional Information" tabs don't mention if locomotives have a custom cab.
They do. Some engines we made are older models that did not have a cab at the time. Not everything we have on the site has a cab, it should be listed in the description. Some reading may be required. If a custom cab is not listed, chances are it doesn't have one.

They do. Some engines we made are older models that did not have a cab at the time. Not everything we have on the site has a cab, it should be listed in the description. Some reading may be required. If a custom cab is not listed, chances are it doesn't have one.


Having been a Customer of JR for a couple years now, and having been dismayed myself at discovering the lack of custom cabs on some items, I still happily purchase their products. What Mike says here is important. Read about what you're buying.... Do you really walk into a store and buy the first item that says "What you came in for!" just because it says that on the box? Or do not at least read a little about it to make sure its what you want?

And yes, though I don't own everything on their site (I own a fair percentage though), I will attest that every item I've ever bought has been labeled correctly for "Custom Cab" if it has one, and not if it doesn't.

Also I know it's hard to beleive for some, but we are human and mistakes are made. If you find something is not labeled correctly just let us know so it can be corrected.

I'm not sure I'll buy further JR products if "Product Description" or "Additional Information" tabs don't mention if locomotives have a custom cab.

We can't force you to read, so you're going to have to do what's best for you.

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It would be nice to have at least one photo of the custom cab on the website instead of only exterior shots of the locomotive.
THANK YOU! I would also like on the hopper packs if it said the reporting marks of the ones in the pack but I understand if you don't do that.