Curious Question To Build 61388

Last night, I updated my Trainz 12 program to build 61388 and ever since then. My PC has been acting up as this morning. I found out that whenever I wanted to download something. I wasn't able to do it, Because for some unknown reason. The download ability was disabled. However, This afternoon. I was able to figure that out with the help of Norton. Now, I am having problems trying to add a few locomotives to my Trainz program. When I click on the CMP. It states that my content manager is offline and I need to check my internet connections and firewall/proxy settings to access the Trainz download station. Has anyone who updated their build to 61388 have this same experience? Also, Can someone tell me how I need to set up my firewall properly in order for me to install locomotives into my Trainz 12 program? Thanks in advance.

In the firewall settings, give permission to all the *.EXE files in the trainz installed folder. If you think that is it. Otherwise, you might need to make sure you run trainz as an administrator, change the short cut that launches it by right click, then go to properties. For future reference, don't install trainz in the default directory in C:\Program Files (x86), because that is more protected than on XP or previous. I installed mine in a separate drive letter, but the main thing is try to do something like C:\TS12 or if you have another drive, D:\TS12 or whatever the other drive letter is.
