CumberLand Trainz (in web archive)

Webshops in the web archive are bound to give problems. They don't end up there because people are still actively running the website, but because the website is dead. If you are going to spend money that way, don't come complaining here that it doesn't work.
and I'm going to send him what he has asked me for on 2 conditions. First, I have to find them first since I had a hard drive crash and Second, PM after PM is not helping his cause and not making me look harder for them.

edit, I found the loco, but haven't found the bogies for it yet.
Would it help if some of us community members that have your content send it to you so you can upload it to the DLS?
Ok, I just noticed this and Leefer, I have your NYC 5434 but it wont work due to the Smoke8 not working properly. But I do want to know that once you find everything, that you shoot me a pm for my email. I do love all the content you have made, and I do only request for the NYC Hudsons and coaches you have made. And welcome back.
I've got both hudsons that you gave me, including the bogies hit me up if you need me to send them to you (I'm referring to leefer by the way)
you may have a problem with the enginesound kuid as it's the PB15 kuid built into TRS 2006 and I've forgotten how to move it into a later version. I've done it before, but that was 5 yrs ago. I'm looking for a more current enginesound that I can use for the locos. Any suggestions anyone?
How about these
VR R Class Engine sound <KUID2:126323:53727:1>
NYC K3-d Pacific Engine sound KUID2:72938:53002:1>
CNR Bigsteam Enginesound <KUID:316:53005>
GS-4 Loco Engine sound <KUID:591356:100179>
Berkshire Superpower Enginesound <KUID:682163:100686>
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umm, the only of your engines on the DLS that I saw on Cumberland were the N&W J's. Can you try to put all of your Cumberland engines on? and the 20th Century limited coaches. oh, and leeferr, I like your work, but stop putting the ATSF 2925 whistle on everything
umm, the only of your engines on the DLS that I saw on Cumberland were the N&W J's. Can you try to put all of your Cumberland engines on? and the 20th Century limited coaches. oh, and leeferr, I like your work, but stop putting the ATSF 2925 whistle on everything

You're free to change it. Looking a gift horse in the mouth?
You're free to change it. Looking a gift horse in the mouth?

Kids these days...

I would thumb this up if I could. Releasing your payware for free is excellent work, if no one's made you feel appreciated - I hope I do. Hornsounds are crazy easy to make, it's getting a good recording that's an issue.

Now I know you're digging things up, time to start skimming the DLS for new uploads again. I was wondering what happened to all that content. I think I've lost more sanity through hard drive crashes than work or school.