Contant manager not working


New member
Hi has anybody had any trouble with content manager. I tried to download an item, it came up in the downloading window but would not start to download, it just froze . when it does work it gets a blue line going through it but this did not happen. Has anybody any idea what might be wrong. Thank you

mallard 2007
Download servers have been a bit 'hit & miss' for a few days now, I find mornings are best, before the masses of
users in America get busy, otherwise the dls is more prone to run out of free slots.

I think it's because everyone is now trying to populate their new T:ane version.
Hi has anybody had any trouble with content manager. I tried to download an item, it came up in the downloading window but would not start to download, it just froze . when it does work it gets a blue line going through it but this did not happen. Has anybody any idea what might be wrong. Thank you

mallard 2007

Just buy first class ticket, it doesn't cost that much, or if you can't afford it, maybe the servers are busy.
I'm just getting back into Trainz after years away and have noticed the DLS are very unstable this week. Right now it seems to work for me though.

(Also posting this to see if Tane has been registered from Steam). ;)