Coal mine gone AWOL


New member
In '09 the Razorback Classic route uses a standard built-in coal mine, which has been named BMS Colliery in the route.

Today I went and took a rack of empty coal hoppers for a spin, to load up at said coal mine and drop off at Port Hunter. But somehow the mine doesn't show. The fixed (industry) tracks are gone and there's no building. Yet I can still issue a "drive to"-command (with all tracks listed), and on the minimap I still see BMS Colliery on the spot where it's supposed to be. Also, just sticking in a new coal mine and naming it BMS Colliery doesn't work, it tells me there already is a BMS Colliery and asks if I want to continue anyway.

I think I've pretty much tried everything to get this fixed. Does anyone know of any way for me to get rid of this pesky nuisance invisible coal mine so i can put a proper one in? :confused:
Yeah, I just had a look, and you are correct. I also tried to find a missing dependency in CM2, crawled all over the Razorback information, and there is no rhyme nor reason for that building to be absent!
Anyon able to point me to a fixer? I'm stumped! Tried to clicketyclick all over the place to get rid of this (probably) 1 pixel dot, but even that don't help! :'(
Just a thought but ...........................

You haven't installed anything called "THATCHER" have you ?

Well we in Britain installed a "THATCHER", and most of our coal mines disappeared shortly after. :D

I so needed a laugh this morning, Excellent :)

I ran this in TS09WBE V38411 and it all runs fine for me. Did not encounter the issue you have. Looks like maybe something has been over written or something and caused a fault?


How did I miss that

I hold my hand up, I completely missed that one, not by a yard, a mile at least. I even googled it and all it came up with was that woman, still nothing happened. I'm so ashamed. Head back in sand.
I ran this in TS09WBE V38411 and it all runs fine for me. Did not encounter the issue you have. Looks like maybe something has been over written or something and caused a fault?

I'm running version 38824 straight out the box, clean install. Nothing's been overwritten just yet. It's plain odd. :confused:

lol @ fran1:hehe:
Yeah, it's visible when I put one next to it. But... I can't delete the invisible one 'cause I can't see it! I've even gone to the point where I zoomed in on the minimap to where it says -DMS Colliery and tried to delete it then, but even that doesn't work! :eek:
If you can't delete it, shorten the connecting track to the mine and place a new one in it's place. you may have to raise the spline height a touch then re-connect the track. name it DMS 2.
There is something very strange about the Razorback route. I just looked at it in TRS2006 Surveyor and positioned my view over the coal mine. When I open the Objects tab and select the Get Object icon and click on the mine to see which coal mine is in the route, nothing shows in the object display window. I searched thru the list of objects looking for any coal mine and none showed up. The only coal object is Coal Straiths. I tried the delete icon and can delete the coal mine and clicking on Undo brings it back.

I exited Surveyor then restarted Surveyor and return to the view of the coal mine. Selected Object tab and enter coal to see a list of 22 objects starting with the word coal. Selected the Get Object icon and click on the coal mine and nothing shows different in the Object window. Clicked on a tree and that works. Tried the coal mine again but nothing. Scrolled thru the object list and all coal objects are missing except the Coal Straiths.
