Changing ground textures by modifying config.txt


I recently downloaded a quite nice route recently from the DLS which had a number of missing ground textures - the author advised me how and where to get them, but it would seem that they are actually no longer available from the source he pointed me at.

Not wishing to waste any more time or energy than absolutely necessary, I decided to replace the textures with some I already have (bearing in mind that TrainzObjectz does not allow texture replacement) by editing the config.txt - replacing the unavailable kuids with ones that are available to me. Before I did this, I 'created' the missing kuids in my custom directory with their original kuid numbers and using a plain green texture with an appropriate number emblazoned upon it.

Whilst I was not surprised that this didn't work, I was surprised that the process didn't kill off the map completely. As it happens, the map loads with the original textures still in place (evidenced by areas of the terrain sporting my numbered textures) even though the config.txt now calls up other kuids.

I find this most odd and wonder if there is an 'expert' out there who can, at least, tell me how and why TRS2004 is handling the textures calls.

Has anyone successfully replaced ground textures without having to 'repaint' the entire map?
b9k9kiwi, sorry no expert - there are none in Trainz. You can't change ground texture by changing the kuid-table entries in the config file. That's primarliy to let other programs pick out dependencies easily.

The ground textures used in the map are written into the gnd file that defines the baseboards/terrain. It's the gnd file contents that determines what is displayed not what's listed in the config's kuid-table. It's a binary file but the format's been published so it could be edited with a special uility but no one has made one.

I don't know if it's possible to replace them by another method other than painting over them or using something like you've done or actually obseleting the missing ones with new ones you make which might be aceptable for use on your system only. The topic's been discussed before so maybe someone will provide something else on this.

Bob Pearson
You can make extra texture maps with the required kuidnumbers . See how a texture map looks, copy one that you dont use and replace the 128x128 bmp file with an existing or a selfmade one.
b9k9kiwi, sorry no expert - there are none in Trainz. You can't change ground texture by changing the kuid-table entries in the config file. That's primarliy to let other programs pick out dependencies easily.


Of course ... silly me. As it happens an easier fix to the problem is to create my own ground textures in my custom directory and use them to obsolete the missing textures. Dunno why I didn't think of that before.

Thanks for your response.
You can, in fact, use TrainzObjectz to change textures (or any object) in a Map.

1. Open TrainzObjectz
2. Select "Maps" tab
3. Select Map of interest in drop-down menu at top of page
4. Scan down list until texture of interest is found
5. Right click on texture
6. Select "Replace object in Map" from window that opens
7. Select replacement texture from "Custom Objects" or "Built-in Objects" menus
8. Press F7

Note: You can press F8 instead of F7 to delete an object without replacing it.

This I found in an old forum message (searching for "Erazor"). This also is a way to delete unwanted textures:

"Hello all,

after some discussion in the route builder's forum I buildt a routine called erazor, which erazes (no kidding!) groundtextures.

You find it

You got to download texture kuid 44700:11992 from DLS as well. This is used as a marker. Just apply it to the area on your board where you want to have your groundtextures removed, exitz TRS and run erazor. In the marked area all textures are wiped away leaving the yellow on grey grid.

See the reedme-file for details.

Best regards

You can, in fact, use TrainzObjectz to change textures (or any object) in a Map.


You're right. It works. I don't know where I got the idea from but I have always thought that ground textures could not be replaced (e.g. with TrainzObjectz) except by 'overpainting' them in surveyor - thank you for putting me right. :)