Central Portal Control and the Portal Dependencies rules


Sphenodon Punctatus
I'm working on a session where I have both the Central Portal Control rule and the Portal Dependencies rule active. However it looks like if I use the Central Portal Control rule to set up AI train generation the Portal Dependencies rule can't see the consists thus configured!

Is there any way around this? All I can think of is to delete the Central Portal Control and configure the portals manually at each portal. Kinda makes the CPC rather useless dontcha think...


Nix --

I'm coming to the conclusion that using CPC on IndustRail was maybe not such a good idea after all. In addition to your discovery about the Portal Dependency rule I've also found that deleting one portal from the portal list has quite peculiar effects on the routing of AI trainz from the remaining portals.

If you can hang off for a while I'll be redoing the two templates using the normal portal setup. By "a while" I mean maybe Sunday.

Fortunately I did not discover this issue while creating a Mike Nine session, it was a little thing I was working on using your Industrail layout. However if I want this session to work with the Portal Dependencies rule I will need to reconfigure the portals. There are four trains in each portal and some 30 trackmarks to negotiate... huh! :confused:


I found using the portal manager a little more easier to use and also may note when assigning the cpc or pm to make sure that all boxes on each portal are unchecked.......
I also found assigning just a few portals to each rule and renaming example pm1 pm2 etc helps uncongest the portals......lagging effect....
also a accurate schedule is required due to having a train return through and another about to come out causes some major headaches.........