CCP crashing in 2006 and CT


trying to edit with CCP in 2006 and CT causes an immediate crash in CCP module... CMP doesn't itself crash. And, i'm noticing that when i try to start new content, i'm blocked from doing so, the dialog faulting me for not having a valid username and registration. i have both. Not being on the internet -- Is that the problem? that i'm not connected and CCP just says no?

my desktop is isolated from the net, and the lap top i use for DL is an old HP with not so robust hardware ( i can open CMP in it and download, but i can't run any of the three versions ( well, four, counting the original ) on it. and, i'm writing this post on my mac powerbook, but, i can't use DLS with the mac.

i'd like to do some editing. i do have the old standalone paintshop, and i can add content to 2006 with it.

thanks for your reply...

to use the content creator...
isn't that the program like the old paintshed? where you design stuff? or is it just for uploading contributions to the download station... i know everything has to be cleared before its accepted in DL.

i really don't want to hook my desktop up to the net anymore. how can i reskin, say, a hopper, in CT? for now, i can use pantshed -- the stand-alone, from Trainz dayz, but i wonder if it's correctly configuring items for CT.

I understand you are running TRS2006 and you are not connected to the internet. Auran's elected to have TRS2006 verify or check that your installed copy is valid (not pirated), everytime you start it up on your computer. Since you are not connect to the net, you get a message screen informing you that your copy is invalid and not registered. This will also happen if the Auran's server is down or not working properly at the time you start when you are connected to the internet. Both situations may cause the game to freeze up. If you are working the the Content Manager Plus and you say try to download or upload an creation/asset it might freeze at that point as it will try to connect to the Auran's server. Apparenlty the game tries to determine from time to time as it is running that it is still connected to the server. If not, it "timesout". If you start up Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys) and mouse click the Application, if you is a "not responding" status line, TRS2006 has frozen. You not be able to done anything or only a few things. For example, CCP might allow you to edit the config.txt file, but when you go to save it, it won't allow you to do so, Etc. To my understanding, it is one of the things about TRS2006 that has caused many to not "upgrade" to it and remain a TRS2004 or earlier user or go back to using them.
:'( I don't blame Auran's for this situation. They were trying to protect their investment in the game. I blame the pirates and their toll lack of morals.
i hate to say it, it's so rude, but i really don't care if auran has the illusion that just because an estimated forty gillion joes copped their app that those forty gillion would have bought the product at all. those of us who did -- me, since the very first trainz -- had hoped that we'd joined a family of concerned train friends. the classics thing kind of shows that it all got out of hand when the game actually caught on and the content had to come to reflect the dedication and needs and creativity of the fan base. classics is for whom? the christmas train set up in the attic after new year, or the people who want to use this as a creative tool for realizing our own rail realities?

trainz is already warez'd out -- you can find it anywhere, cracked and running. i happen to find my last copy of 2006 -- i could never get the sp to download completely on the stupid internet -- yes, that one -- and bought a fresh copy when i found it for 9.00 $ US at best buy. i always buy the product, because i want to live with it. the warezer's don't, and if they do, they buy the product in the end. see it as a live demo, and see the warezer's as dynamic and creative. we're dynamic and creative -- it's obvious we are or trainz would have stayed in its beer bottle.

as i've come to understand it, i don't need content creator to do anything except up load and authenticate original objects? and that i can do any reskin or design in photoshop and 3dMax...

thank you for your editorial, hope you liked mine too.


I understand you are running TRS2006 and you are not connected to the internet. Auran's elected to have TRS2006 verify or check that your installed copy is valid (not pirated), everytime you start it up on your computer. Since you are not connect to the net, you get a message screen informing you that your copy is invalid and not registered. This will also happen if the Auran's server is down or not working properly at the time you start when you are connected to the internet. Both situations may cause the game to freeze up. If you are working the the Content Manager Plus and you say try to download or upload an creation/asset it might freeze at that point as it will try to connect to the Auran's server. Apparenlty the game tries to determine from time to time as it is running that it is still connected to the server. If not, it "timesout". If you start up Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys) and mouse click the Application, if you is a "not responding" status line, TRS2006 has frozen. You not be able to done anything or only a few things. For example, CCP might allow you to edit the config.txt file, but when you go to save it, it won't allow you to do so, Etc. To my understanding, it is one of the things about TRS2006 that has caused many to not "upgrade" to it and remain a TRS2004 or earlier user or go back to using them.
:'( I don't blame Auran's for this situation. They were trying to protect their investment in the game. I blame the pirates and their toll lack of morals.
CCP should not need internet access to work. It may be worth checking you have the .net environment installed properly.

Mikemike, the assets.tdx may have gotten corrupted. Make a backup of it and then erase. Unfortunately when it updates the assets any prior installation dates will be lost. If updating it does not help, erase and replace with the backup copy. This has help when I have had freeze up problems. Also change the cache size to any setting in the options. That has also worked for me. Naturally, you results may vary.

And you can editorialize anytime you like. Got no problem one way or the other.
thanks, yes, but, i do think it's correct that i have to be on the net -- my old and undermemory'd laptop allows me to use ccp -- and i'll simply use it to upload content to DLS. the assets.tdx i've sometimes deleted to add content from 2006, and i have seen how that works too.

as for my rant, at least we don't have to put our disk in each time we load the app. i've always appreciated that. and, in Classics, it seems to me that the driver sessions are working much better than they used to -- that trains seem to do what you've programmed them to do. that's really fine, and worth the price, though sometimes the newest trainz just seems like it ought to be a service pack -- but, as i mentioned -- i couldn't get the sp 1 to update my 2006 and had to buy a newer copy with sp 1 already added. i think i have over a hundred dollars in trainz apps -- and, really, auran might make more money with first class tickets and not worry about the warez thing -- let the torrented try to add things to the game, if they really like it enough that they'd have bought it if they couldn't have gotten it for free. who knows what they think they're playing anyway? -- "crysis with boxcars"?

anyway, thanks for the advice, and it turned out not to matter about ccp and the net anyway.

i was up till two last night, and this morning i added an industry and had a very satisfying time working the ruling grade on some mountainous ng 36 tracking. trainz rules.

Mikemike, the assets.tdx may have gotten corrupted. Make a backup of it and then erase. Unfortunately when it updates the assets any prior installation dates will be lost. If updating it does not help, erase and replace with the backup copy. This has help when I have had freeze up problems. Also change the cache size to any setting in the options. That has also worked for me. Naturally, you results may vary.

And you can editorialize anytime you like. Got no problem one way or the other.