Crashing to desktop when loading routes or sessions


Here since 2001, Trainz!!
Grabbed Trainz 22 on a steam sale, moved my Trainz 19 content over with no issues, been happily fiddling with one of my routes.
Lots of built in routes and ones i've downloaded crash to desktop when I try to load either the route or session.
So far the list of routes I can't load...

Potteries Loop Line (Builtin/Payware)
Dearnby & Region V3.0: UK Western Region 1950s & 60s
Bodmin & Wenworth Railway

Example of some that load fine:
Warwick - Wallangarra (builtin/payware)
VR Healesdale (builtin/payware)
1930s cornish mainline and branches
Dearnby in midwinter
Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ (Builtin/payware)
Appen (buildin/payware)
Balezino - Mosti, Russia (builtin/payware)
C&I Hinton Division
SnC Carlisle Skipton
SnC Craven District

What's strange is I am sure I was about to load Dearnby & Region V3.0 a last week
Although i've only listed 3 routes that crash, I'm sure more also do, but I don't want to sit trying to load every route then do yet another database rebuild :(

Any idea what causes this? I was hoping there would be a log to look at but I can't find one and the content manager log also crashes to desktop when Trainz does so I can't look at it.
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I had a backup of my Trainz 22 content folder from when I copied the content over to my SSD. If I point Trainz 22 at the pre-move content folder it loads those routes fine (I only checked Dearnby and Bodmin).

As pure chance I deleted the contents of the 'packages' folder on my SSD install, and although lots of content is missing, it now loads those routes.
Is the 'packaged' folder content from the content store on the launcher? Maybe something in there is corrupted or updated incorrectly?

Currently copying my packaged folder from my non ssd install to the ssd install where I deleted the packages folder to see what happens.
After you copy your packages back in, run a database repair to "import" them in.

It sounds as if something glitched causing the crashes. Yes, these contain the content from the Content Store and also some of the built-in content.
It still crashed. However I deleted the cache files and then did a rebuild and the routes would load.
But any dialogue box in game where you input text doesn't show up ontop of the other windows unless you keep clicking on the option that brings the box up. Then when you're done there's loads of dialogue boxes behind the windows which you have to close.

So I decided to back up the content folder and start from scratch, deleting all of the content folder and letting trainz repopulate it. On first test with no custom content the dialogue boxes are working normal. Just trying to put the content back in now 🤞🏻
Back to crashing. Tried to launch Markys Cornish mainline and branches route and got a crash to desktop.

All i'd done is add my content folders back and download packages I needed for missing assets. Gonna try a rebuild after deleting the cache files.
Back to crashing. Tried to launch Markys Cornish mainline and branches route and got a crash to desktop.

All i'd done is add my content folders back and download packages I needed for missing assets. Gonna try a rebuild after deleting the cache files.

No luck, loads for a while then crashes. Might be time to contact helpdesk :(
If you haven't done so, you might try an extended db repair.. Open Developer Menu - Hold down Ctrl Key and Select - Rebuild Database.
This may take awhile depending on size of db, the fact it is an extended db repair and some other things. Close Trainz out and restart when db repair is done. Obviously, have a backup in case something goes wonky.
I'm onto something... It's only if I try to edit the sessions, if I hit drive they work (this is on the cornish mainline route btw). I now have the Potteries Loop line route loading too.

Also, if I open the sessions in driver, then go to edit in surveyor, I can get into surveyor. If I then save a copy I can open that copy fine from the menus straight into surveyor.

Strange behaviour?
If you haven't done so, you might try an extended db repair.. Open Developer Menu - Hold down Ctrl Key and Select - Rebuild Database.
This may take awhile depending on size of db, the fact it is an extended db repair and some other things. Close Trainz out and restart when db repair is done. Obviously, have a backup in case something goes wonky.

This is very useful, I didn't know you could do this.
You don't mention the specs of your computer. It is possible that the issue is due to PC specification as Marky's Cornish Mainline route is large and very detailed. Attempting to edit a session puts more strain on the PC than driving it. I run a high mid-range PC and rarely have any problems. (Ryzen 5600G, 32GB RAM, RTX4060 8GB, 2TB NvME dedicated to Trainz)