Carlisle /Settle


New member
Having been away for a very long time I maybe in the wrong box for this discussion,so please forgive or redirect.First Carlisle/Settle is there a new edition and what is the cost Sterling,also windows 10 yes or know are there problems.

and can anyone advise on the latest trainz I have 2006 any comments on newer items and of course windows 10.Thank you
I would certainly recommend T:ANE. After all the teething problems at launch, it is now in a pretty good place - with another update about to be released too. The graphics are light years ahead of what's gone before and an ammended/updated version of Settle/Carlisle is about to be released for your delectation too.

Windows 10 has settled down somewhat from when it was released and T:ANE is well able to cope with it and vice versa. If you are moving straight from 2006 to T:ANE you'll be like a kid at Christmas when you see the difference in graphics, performance and everything else generally. All in all, I think T:ANE is the way forward.

Hope that's of some help for you.

I agree with everything Dave said and wanted to add one suggestion. Make sure the computer you are thinking of running TANE on meets the recommended specs. TANE is VERY computer resource hungry and you may not be happy with the performance if you have an older computer. The Parts & Labour forum has lots of information to guide you.
Having been away for a very long time I maybe in the wrong box for this discussion,so please forgive or redirect.First Carlisle/Settle is there a new edition and what is the cost Sterling,also windows 10 yes or know are there problems.

and can anyone advise on the latest trainz I have 2006 any comments on newer items and of course windows 10.Thank you

If you have a GTX 970 or better nVidia only then TANE is wonderful, anything less go with TS12 for now. Real soon now S&C is due out for TANE but there is still a lot of content for TS12 around.

Cheerio John
Just to add, my card is a GeForce GTX 770 and runs T:ANE very well. All the settings are not set to high ie shadows are medium. Textures, scenery and trees are normal, post processing and water are high and view distance is 4,000-6000 depending on the route. Windows 7, 64 bit, 16 gig ddr 3 ram.

Personally I recommend T:ANE over ts12 now.