
New member
Having only just bought TRS 12... and wanting to change my engine and horn sounds etc. like I could in previous versions of TRS... I find I can no longer do that, or if I do, I instantly get a red exclamation mark, indicating faulty dependency, and therefore cannot use that asset any longer unless I revert back to what engine and horn sound that particular locomotive or item had... this problem also happens when changing bogies etc too....

I guess one hangs onto TRS 2006 for a bit longer.
Will this new patch that takes your TR 12 up to the next build fix this... I haven't been game to try changing anything until I am confident that this patch either will or won't make any real difference...

One gets so used to being able to do this Until you buy the next version of TRS and find that things like that no longer work.
Not exactly sure how you are doing these edits, but it works
pretty much the same in TS12 as all other versions when it comes
to changing engine dependincies.

Guess we need a bit more info on how you are doing this, and what
you are doing it to, (kuid ).

What faults are you seeing in CMP?

Bottom line is yes, you can change these items in TS12.


Yes!... I am doing as one normally does in CMP to change them, but if you say clone an AN 830 and go to use a noisy engine sound like the one for the BR 25, 26, 27 class locomotives, one of my favourites up till now, but when I go back to commit the item I have changed, I end up with a red exclamation mark, which of course means 'Error', and when you go back to surveyor to put that item you have just changed, it appears in red, (pale pink when clicked on)... Uh Oh!... No Good Huh?... that is what is happening, and in past versions of TRS this has usually worked quite well without too much trouble... even if you got the yellow exclamaton mark (faulty dependencies), most times you could get away with it, but not in TRS 12 ...well at present anyway...
First off check the assets you are substituting for the
horn and engine sounds. They might have problems.

What errors are you getting with the red ! ?

By what errors, I mean specific errors. There are so many possibilities
its endless without specific error information.
I guess an error is an error, though I didn't actually go to have a look, usually if you get a red exclamation mark, and your asset is no good, then you know there is a problem...As I mention elsewhere in this forum, I have only got to import one CDP... something that the CMP interprets as the wrong ones, and I not only find that the horn and engine sounds changes I make come up with the red mark, I also lose half of my inbuilt assets too...That really has got me puzzled... that should not be's got me beat... in past versions of TRS... I was not getting these things heppening...and I have usually had a pretty smooth ride in that area... I wll just have to leave it to the experts and the trainz wizzes to help me there...

One other thing that has happend is that I no longer get the headlights beaming from the CHN D15, the same locomotive body as one of the Santa Fe's... the one that gives you that nice effective fire and smoke from the exhaust that really looks great....

That's the pale blue and yellow CHN diesel... which I have been using to haul a train of ore, that I have coming out from under the ore tipple. I was getting the beaming headlight when I first installed TS 12... but that particular locmotive now, won't beam the headlights near the class number windows at the top... It seems that I have a few bugs getting into TRS...

I think it just has to be one file, one asset that I have in my installation that is conflicting just a wee bit that has lead to these strange and annoying things happening, or not happening as theyshould be...???:confused:
CTRL C to copy, CTRL V to paste

First thing you need to be aware of, error checking - from TS2009 to TS2010 to TS12 each version gets more persnickety about errors, half the time I wonder if they sit around dreaming up imaginary errors for each new version. So going from TS2009 directly to TS12 you will see a lot more errors in older content, and much of the built-in content for TS12 is old stuff that does not get checked for errors since it's built-in. But. As soon as you open for edit it's no longer classified as "built-in, ignore errors", it's now "locally modified, pull the fire alarm!"

So, for specific help with fixing errors, right click on the asset, view errors and warnings. CTRL click on all the errors in the error window, right click and select "Copy".


Now open notepad, paste the text into that.

Here in the message window, if I have the text copied to my "virtual clipboard" I can place the cursor at the end of the line, hold down the CTRL key and hit V, and I get this;

Error: Texture 'cta_r36wf_body/poles.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'cta_r36wf_body\'.
Error: Attachment point 20 (a.psit38) in 'queues\passengers\attachment-points' was not found.

Once we see the specific error messages and which asset you're having trouble with, somebody can guide you thru the steps to fix the errors.

Be advised if you want to modify old content you're going to be doing a lot of that, since most of it has errors, obsolete tags, missing textures, misplaced quotations and brackets, misspelled words, and all the other stuff that was tolerated by earlier versions of Trainz.

in response to GP30 Fan.... The AN 830, that is inbuilt content....If you go to change the engine sound to the BR 25-26-27 engine sound like I used to like doing in earlier versions of order to make it sound like it has a dirty exhaust or bad engine in it, and I used to be able to use JASC Paintshop pro to make it look dirty and filthy like the real ones I would see over there on The Eyre Peninsula of South Australia....Whoops! that cannot be done!.... and I get the red Exlamation mark to tell me that it has an error, or a problem.... Any changes made to the Inbuilt AN 830 you make in TS 12.... It dain't lilke it... and pops up the error... I don't know about TS 2010, which I also have... I guess because TS 12 is the latest and I have gone straight to it... Nup!....It objects....