So it did import okay? That's good!
Well as I said, I don't see myself finishing this route and I can't promise anyone that I may ever finish it. As I said before, I'm willing to send out what I have but that's about that. At least, not for a few years. I have my own wedding coming up, I have to study in an online course (250 hours in a month or so!) for at least a month at the same time, I'm going back home to visit my family (and wont be with my computer) and then I'll come back and look for a new job just to begin to scratch the surface...
As you all know, route building takes a lot of time to do and my comp is far from perfect. Maybe I'll try it again after I upgrade my computer sometime in the next year. For now, I just want to drive and play with trains and ENJOY trainzing. I like route building but it's been stressful lately...and I want to have fun!
Most of those missing items should be scenery related. Did you open the route and try to take a spin on it or at least, look at it from surveyor? I know the roof of the station wont be there as I didn't upload that to the DLS (I took a texture from another file and it was meant as a stand in anyhow).
As I built this on 04, you'd have to take a look in the 04 section to find those items and then try to import them. Some are from third party sites but aren't critical to running the route. Take a peek and let me know what you can't find. It's probably better not to use most of the third party items anyhow as it makes it hard for others to find them.
Gisa ^^