Canadian Rocky Mountains 2011

Is it your intention to release all 5 parts of this route during the course of 2013 or is it longer term than that.
According to Google the distance between Calgary and Montreal is 960km (by road) will there be one total route after all 5 parts are issued or is it not possible to run this length of route at once on a PC.

You seem to imply that your website is imminent, is it now time to whet our appetites even further with some details of the start and end of each of the five parts, so that we may look at Google and follow the route until we get the "real thing".

All the best

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Is it your intention to release all 5 parts of this route during the course of 2013 or is it longer term than that.
According to Google the distance between Calgary and Montreal is 960km (by road) will there be one total route after all 5 parts are issued or is it not possible to run this length of route at once on a PC.

You seem to imply that your website is imminent, is it now time to whet our appetites even further with some details of the start and end of each of the five parts, so that we may look at Google and follow the route until we get the "real thing".

All the best


Hi Ken,
here is the plan, 2013 1 or 2 and 2014 1 or 2. Remember thse routes are huge and full full of many details.
Since these routes are already coming from 2006 thru most versions till TS12 they are kind of loaded with ballast to be cleaned/repaired/replaced so to speak.
Since my level of quality and acceptance is pretty high same or better than #4 now to be launched within days.....:)
if things go as planned this week and of course I will announce it here.

Yes I could make a follow me on Google to wet the appetite but first things first and see if #4 is accepted by you guys the way we experience it almost every day.

That the website was full of unexpected delays is not caused by me but totally depending on the other part to do what has to be done. It looks that in this case posting " The end is near" is a positive thing right?

The total length of the railway is if I remember well some 1.300 km up not same as roads distance in Google.
Montreal probably you mean Vancouver and also My route greater Vancouver not ends in Vancouver downtown but covers the entire area from White Rock up to the north side of the bay area and partly way up to Jasper.....

Enough secrets gone:hehe:to th gossip corner.......

hope this answers your expectations dear friend!

Yes count down can start tomorrow we hope though that no T storms spoil the party at launch time:wave:

Roy,Ning n Djoetje:cool:

Forgot to answer the 5 routes in one is not wise and only make things coplicated asking for unwanted complications.
The size I make is exactly or similar to a regular Subdivision and i-portals do a good job and the h-portal probbly too but not investigated nto that.
Also the merge route command is not reliable or simply crashes so for these kind of routes not what you are looking for.
Hope this was informative.

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Yes Roy I did mean Vancover, unless you've done a sixth route! A slip of the pen can be oh so embarassing, it just shows that I need your route if only to remind me of which city is on the West Coast of Canada.
Actually I asked the question about the total route out of curiosity only, as this would make the route far too long in pratice to run (certainly for me).
I'm pleased I asked the question about release dates as it will make a lot of people very happy.

Thanks for sharing the info with us


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more snow for the rest of the week must be the season






Roy, Ning n Djoetje:wave:
Nearly time for a White Christmas Roy, the children and the snowman and the reindeers and the sleigh...:)

He Jan can you keep a secret?
Djoetje wonna be a reindeer and said well since its crisis everywhere why not have little reindeers like us Muntjac deer fast and furious and less energy consuming and yes why not in Thailand no snow who cares just make me a little sleigh less cost and good for the environment hahaha.

So now you discover why i show a lot of snow coz here nope no snow so sit a the screen all day and let it snow kind off.
Maybe Saturday Djoetje Ning and I might be in for a surprise so stay tuned and get ready.................:cool: ssssssssssssh it's also same day Ning's birthday so double surprise!

have a good one

Roy n Djoetje:D
No snow here by the coast either...have played in the snow inland though, good stuff...

Djoetje will definately eat the snowmans carrot nose...

staying tuned always anyway on this cool thread :)
YES !!! Back to the green stuff. Green is my favorite color. I'll be watching this thread on Saturday. I like surprises, especially if it's what I think it is.
Morning Stouthm,

Yes!!! When Ning and i woke up this morning and I said enough snow back to the real thing we both said wow how different but snow is also one of my favorites to play with all my life don't know why yet.
Tomorrow I hope I can give this for Ning's birthday as a "surprise" and for me a be late birthday cake hahaha:cool: hope the thai ghost not spoil the party for the xxx times:eek:

My family name when living in the US they pronounced like Houston so....
Tomorrow we can probably say:
Joosten(Houston) we have a lift off)
The shuttle name is on the trainz shuttle is on the rocky mountaineer:p

warmest and green regards,

Ning, Roy n djoetje
Houston we have T storms for the next 2 days

Countdown has been on hold till the sky clears up :hehe:
Well there are worse things than a delayed launch no?:)
Ok back to daily business and a few more picts and check the weekend's the weather forecast :eek:

This one is from the Laggan Sub at lake Louise version TRS2006...almost looks like ages ago.... time go fast. wish i could use my packed sow douglas trees I modified than from Dmdrake but only worked oon 2006 version.:'(
trainz 2012-11-14 07-42-06-28.jpg

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Yes there something worse then a late lauch: Forget about lauching it totaly xD Happened to me once... was going to release some BBL and i never released them until 9 months after i said i was going to release them xD
the thai ghosts visited us once more...... Although yesterday I had the feeling it was gonna work but the other party asked for a little bit more time to make it what he called perfect.
Well lets wait a little bit longer and hope he keeps his promise for a good start. Later we can tune and tweak as we go and learn how to run a web store.
Thanks for the post most appreciated and know for sure trainzers out there know I am more impatient waiting for something i not control by exception.
Ning went to her B part in the village woman only gossip, drink, karaoke you not wonaa know but let her have her thing she understand i could not surprise her this morning with 1 candle and the new shop..
I guess maybe monday if earlier or in the range still ok you agree? ive seen all the pages and correction cosmetic and little others it takes time i know and sometimes little things take longer than big things.

have a great weekend and for sure we keep ya'll up to dat:wave:

Roy n Djoetje;)
You must be disappointed at the set back but never mind it is probably better that you have a clean launch, it may save you from having a lot of problems.


Hi Ken,

yep but there is always good news in "bad" news as things tends to happen for a reason, some call it luck, others bad luck, others bad management whatever one name it I know it happened for a good reason and nothing is lost only gained as you said!
Yes I would have like it to put as a candle on Ning's B cake but he we celibrate all year every day at a time only the B day is the day we tend to be calm at least I do, must be the age and another number gone. lol.
As said even if early next week or late next week it is not a tragedy and we than go in the next stage of unknown territory the web shop and see what happens to the shop, the people visiting hoping things go smooth and if not bare with us to make it work better the next day.
Yes if that stage works I can hold my breath on "what will people say,experience when installing running this baby..will it be same as we did or all different and I will than document "how to" for same experience to make it work on once computer....
Panic or worry no just the regular do the best we can and see but almost sure it will be an eye opener for serious trainzers.
Maybe I need to put at some time a warning in there like: " be wise, listen to doctor's advice, no longer than 9 hours at a time at the screen, you might get addicted before you know it" haha:hehe:
I work on and off at the Laggan sub but my little voice tells me many times the last month slow down wait for more results and feedback from new route users which might influence the entire approach of finishing refurbishing the xx% finished 4 other routes of the Vancouver-Calgary experience.

have a good one,

Rocky Mountaineer seen downtown Vancouver at Waterfront!

Dear Stouthm, thank you so much for the kindness of best B :clap:day wish!!!
4 all of you extra edition on the Greater Vancouver route # 1 some shots at the downtown station waterfront. No this is not the final version lots will be refurbished regrouped etc etc!
trainz 2012-11-18 11-51-44-32.jpg

trainz 2012-11-18 11-51-56-53.jpg

trainz 2012-11-18 11-52-08-43.jpg

trainz 2012-11-18 11-55-33-61.jpg

Ning, Roy n Djoetje:wave:
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Happy belated birthday to Ning! I'd give her a big kiss if I were there!

Great city shots too, really impressive!