Calling Dinorius_Redundicus...

You should probably check out the other locked thread that starts off almost EXACTLY the same as this one.......

The updates are all build 4.2 (ie. for TANE), so if CM was programmed properly, you should not even be able to download them. I suggest you delete them and continue to use the older versions (build 2.0 or 2.4) and don't try to update them until you get TANE installed.

Sorry for any bother, but as far as I'm concerned, any problems are down to N3V's poor design of CM/Download Helper allowing users to get asset versions that do not belong in their version of Trainz.

~ Deane

Sounds good to me, Deane. i figured it was something like that. I am so tired to stuff like this, as I imagine you are also.

I doubt seriously if you are the only one, Deane.

There are times I get thoroughly disgusted at some of the ridiculous programming I encounter in Trainz. There are so many things they could have done in a much cleaner (and better) manner. What really steams my beans is the refusal to port Trainz to Linux. I can't see the logic behind it. After all they've ported it to everything new and whiz-bang except that particular OS.

Oh well. After 10 years in this game (and 52 years in programming), I'm about to call it quits and go back to wrestling alligators for relaxation.

The 1.5% of the Stretch Goal vote that wanted "multi-platform support" was a pretty poor showing, and probably at least some if not most of that came from Mac and mobile users thinking it was directed at them.
I hadn't heard about this Vote until it was finished. Given the size of the screen on most mobile devices, I have to wonder just how Trainz looks/runs on them considering I can't keep the game running smoothly on my gaming desktop which can run ANYTHING, except Trainz, swiftly and with style.

But that's neither here nor there. With just one small patch more, N3V could make the changes necessary to have TS2012 CM ignore anything that's "above it's build" for update. But we all know that's not going to happen.

. . . Given the size of the screen on most mobile devices, I have to wonder just how Trainz looks/runs on them . . .

Give me a few minutes to find a video on YouTube related to this. The YouTube channel Tested tested Trainz Driver app not long after it was released.

EDIT: Here it is.

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I have to admit that looks pretty good. Nice and smooth. I did notice that it is a little more forgiving also: three turnouts were run which were set in the opposite direction. That would have put a real train on the ground as they were not trailing point.

Very interesting. Thanks for the video.

With just one small patch more, N3V could make the changes necessary to have TS2012 CM ignore anything that's "above it's build" for update. But we all know that's not going to happen.


Hey Bill --

Or a patch for T12 to bring it up to TANE standards!

The thread that Deane pasted here:!

I created it for the sole purpose to discuss this -- From all of those posts only Johns' made sense to me, and my suggestion of a patch, which can help bring T12 hand-to-toe with TANE, but then TANE will loose sells! --- I guess we can't have that now!

I have realized long ago, it's a never-ending story! -- We'll be back here, again!:(

Take Care
I read that thread with interest, Ish. Several good suggestions there, but I do agree that nothing will be done about it as it will take sales away from yet another flawed (my opinion) software offering. What software developers nowadays seem to forget is that users demand the current offering be relatively (it is impossible to be completely) free of bugs before pushing another version out the door.

Each successive version of Trainz had flaws. No doubt about that. But, the big problem was that once the new version came out, the other versions were ignored - no matter what the demand was to fix them.

That will be so until the end of time, i guess.
