Cab View ??


New member
I have a Genesis P42 in VIA livery which I downloaded, created I belive by Mark Hoffman, its fine but I cannot get a cab view ? am I missing a kuid ? any help please
The P42 did not come with a custom cab view. I'm using the DB180 cab by Joseph Pav which is included with TRS2004. Not an exact match, but the view is similar and the engineer is on the correct side of the train.
Add/change the interior in the config file to:
interior <KUID:46162:55180>
(The P42 folder is 52779_132)
Thanks Aradlaw, I tried it but it did not work for me ? I don't know why, I opened the locos file via the config folder and added the kuid, but no go I'm afraid. if you have any idea what I might have done wrong please let me know.
I edited the config.txt file for kuid:52779:132 and added interior <kuid:46162:55180>
just below the hornsound kuid. Saved and commited. Works fine.

aradlaw, I just looked in my TRS2004 downloads folder and don't see kuid:46162:55180. Are you sure it came with your TRS2004 or did you download it separately?

Built-ins won't be found in the downloads folders. They're in one of the ja files.

@dizen50 If you're using TRS2004 you have to delete the dispatcher chump file or install any asset from a cdp file to force trainz to read the updated config file in the downloads directory.

Bob Pearson
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You're right Bob. It's been so long since I've use TRS2004 that I forgot that I have to use TO to check builtin items.

No, I'm using TRS 2006, I've found the folder and added the kuid as you told me, but nothing happens when in the game. Strange !! ??
No, I'm using TRS 2006, I've found the folder and added the kuid as you told me, but nothing happens when in the game. Strange !! ??
You must commit the 'open for edit' loco folder, in CMP, select File / Settings / Miscellaneous and under 'When launching Trainz' click 'Automatically commit'. It should work :confused:
Yes I've already have that set up, auto commit and I've done it manually as well, it seems Trainz just wants me to watch this one from the outside !!
Hi dzien50,
I checked and I didn't have the Genesis engines in 2006, so I installed the Genesis P42 pack and figured it out - got that interior to work.
CMP shows missing dependencies 52779:53000 & 52779:55020, this is probably why it does not work.
After adding the interior <kuid:46162:55180> you must edit the kuid table, I deleted the above missing dependencies and added the interior kuid and renumbered the list as shown...

kuid-table {
0 <kuid:52779:130>
1 <kuid:52779:52023>
2 <kuid:52779:50002>
3 <kuid:52779:54000>
4 <kuid:-1:42003000>
5 <kuid:46162:55180> }
The Genesis engines show as faulty but work and have a cab view :)
While you're in there, you might just as well add the word company in front of metro and fix the quotation marks. Then go into the body folder and delete texture files: kopipi, p42_truck, and p42_truck_parts. Then you'll have to go into the amtrack body and copy the number_ilum, numberboard_reflect, and numberboards jpegs to the NH body to get rid of the errors. But only if you want to.
Thanks for that, Norm, I haven't quite mastered fixing the errors yet.
btw... "add the word company in front of metro and fix the quotation marks" is not necessary to the config. 'kind traincar' uses 'origin' rather than 'company'. I deleted that and used your other suggestions and cmp is now showing no errors.
Hi Arad
I've tried all the things and its still not working !!! and I have no idea why, I had already deleted the so called missing kuids, so this is not an issue. You have been really helpful and I thank you but don't waste any more of your time on it, I'll just have stay outside the cab on these locos.
I'm sorry I couldn't solve your problem PJ... did you add the interior kuid to the kuid table? that's the only thing left.
As I said, I installed the Genesis pack into 2006 the other day and followed my own suggestions and that of Norm in the preceding posts and the cab view worked for me. :o
yeah Arad, I followed your instructions but no joy, I might try deleting the loco then reinstalling it and see if that works, but again thanks very much for your kind help and advise.