Bummer for me, everything I worked for are deleted.

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Perhaps you could bring us up-to-date on the issue. It sounds like you are suggesting that someone has you Trainz ID. That should be fixable.
hey where is all the happy new year kindness
he is loosing all his content because some one has
stolen hi ID
i would also be raving mad if it happen to me
dont mater if he change his password the thief still
has a copy of the original's sign on with the fake id
kind regards
I think there is "thin ice" here. Perhaps some knowledgeable person could take this off-line to clarify the exact situation. There may be more than one issue here.
It needs to be dealt with by the Help Desk, but that won't happen for another week. Should have been sent to them a long time ago.
At the risk of asking a stupid question: Since serial keys no longer exist, and validation is automatic every time you log in... how can somebody steal your Trainz account ? It can happen to any of us, then? :unsure:
He has been told to change his password(s) by multiple people (including two moderators) via multiple channels (forum posts, private messages, reactions to his forum reports).
He fails to do so or not understand that if you save your password in your browser wherever you use it, others have access.

I have given up explaining.
I have reached the point of considering banning him for some time as he keeps bothering moderators (and now again the community).

It is his problem and responsibility and only he can solve it. Not a moderator, not N3V, nobody but himself.

But if anyone wants to (politely) give it another go, feel free. I will leave the topic open for now.
He has been told to change his password(s) by multiple people (including two moderators) via multiple channels (forum posts, private messages, reactions to his forum reports).
He fails to do so or not understand that if you save your password in your browser wherever you use it, others have access.

I have given up explaining.
I have reached the point of considering banning him for some time as he keeps bothering moderators (and now again the community).

It is his problem and responsibility and only he can solve it. Not a moderator, not N3V, nobody but himself.

But if anyone wants to (politely) give it another go, feel free. I will leave the topic open for now.
I will agree with you to the part of saving the password in the browser, i think that this escalates the risk not to mention your credit card number also.
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Guys, this person is an imposter. The real RJArtim used to manage a Railworks site and knows how to speak and type proper English. This person doesn't. That is all that needs to be said.
When I create or modify assets, once they are suitable they're copied to a back up folder. If there's ever a zombie apocalypse when N3V and the internet have their brains eaten, I'll still have Trainz.

It ain't rocket science.
RJArtim has a long history on train sims. During the Microsoft Train Simulator years he ran a virtual railroad with a large membership. You would run work orders (sessions) and get rank and virtual salary. Lots of fun.
Many routes built by members and as well as all the work orders. He then started a site for MTS replacement. No way he wouldn't know how to follow directions.
I am not a Vietnam, I killed while I was over for 3 years. Me and my men tore them up every we went. I had 3 grenades in my big pockets on both legs. I was a Corporal and lead the line. I heard something and I made them all land down and I was the land to do that but didn't do it. The gook shot at me and hit my grenade pocket and 1 blew from him, but the blast went and killed him. And I have a big burn on my leg from. It I had time there is a lot of crazy time I tell you by a bunch stuff happened to us. We were a 13 man parade in the jungle, me at the front as I was the tallest.
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The real RJArtim used to manage a Railworks site and knows how to speak and type proper English.
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I am not a Vietnam, I killed while I was over for 3 years.
You are a liar! Very sorry to admit it.

You are 67 years old, this would mean that you were born 1956. By 1970, you would had been around 14 years old and by the time Vietnam war ended 'worldwide but NOT in Vietnam itself' you would had been 19 years old. The United States government stopped sending troops to Vietnam around 1971 and then finally exiting Vietnam in 1973, so why lie?

Lying is an offence against yourself!
I am not a Vietnam, I killed while I was over for 3 years. Me and my men tore them up every we went. I had 3 grenades in my big pockets on both legs. I was a Corporal and lead the line. I heard something and I made them all land down and I was the land to do that but didn't do it. The gook shot at me and hit my grenade pocket and 1 blew from him, but the blast went and killed him. And I have a big burn on my leg from. It I had time there is a lot of crazy time I tell you by a bunch stuff happened to us. We were a 13 man parade in the jungle, me at the front as I was the tallest. I spent there for 3 years and came home a different person, but I am OK now, but if someone gives me a problem they will not what I might do them. Someday some of you might want me to tell you what happened to us.

Wow, we have one seriously deranged troll in our forum. (and really bad at the trolling part) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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