Bug with 52ft Bulkheads in TANE-82718


With kuid2:334896:200051:2 and kuid2:175455:100190:2 (and possibly others)

Unknown : File industryproductinfocomplete.gs, Line 260, ER_Timeout

function $IndustryProductInfoComplete@IndustryProductInfoCollection::AddProduct(Asset,Vehicle), line 216
function $void@IndustryProductInfoCollection::AddQueueToProduct(Asset,ProductQueue), line 437
function $void@IndustryProductInfoCollection::InitFromAsset(), line 1162
function $void@IndustryProductInfoCollection::Init(BaseIndustry), line 89
function $void@IndustryProductInfoCollection::Init(Vehicle), line 116
function $void@Vehicle::Init(), line 163
function $void@FX_Traincar::Init(), line 323
function $void@MeshObject::Init(Asset), line 343

I re-installed assets, re-installed all products from DLS (quite an accomplishment with no FCT) and now I'm at lost. This bug is not present in TS12. Any help would be appreciated...
You've got a timeout error there - the likely cause from memory is if you've got too many commodities/products installed.

Thanks Shane, you were right on. That asset is using a LOT of commodities, so I removed some, a few at the time. The bug disappeared when there was less than 80 products. I find it strange though that I did not find this peculiarity mentionned anywhere...

Thanks again.
