JR Multi-Industry Error in SP1

Getting this error after patching to SP1 in TANE. Checked for faulty commodities, no joy. Looks like it has something to do with a soup commodity, but I'm at a lost at this point. Any suggestions on how to fix is greatly appreciated!

MultipleIndustryNew : ProductFilter.AddProduct> invalid product: (file productfilter.gs)

<kuid2:45324:400001:2> "JR Multi Industry"

Stack dump:

function $void@ProductFilter::AddProduct(Asset), line -1
function $void@IndustryProductInfoCollection::SetProperties(Soup,BaseIndustry), line 642
function $void@BaseIndustry::SetProperties(Soup), line 1738
function $void@MultipleIndustryNew::SetProperties(Soup), line 34
Check if you've got any faulty or missing dependency products/commodities first.

I checked for both faulty and missing dependencies. None showing. Could try and open them all up for edit and recommit, as that is almost always my first trick when trying to clear errors.

On on the other hand, I would not mind being shown a way to bulk delete all of them. I use CMTM for car forwarding and really don't need them in this situation. The problem is bulk replace won't let me do that in one stroke. I may have to break down and find every last one of them and delete by hand. I'll taking any suggestions going this route as well.

Thanks for for the response!!
Found the issue! Fixed and all is well now. Your clue on the commodities brought me back to looking them over for any problems. I found 5 commodities listed as "(payware, not active)". Reverted them all to original and cleared the error.

Thanks again!