Blender 2.5


New member
Recently, I built a model in Blender 2.5 and had a successful import into TS2010. Then, I built another model in Blender 2.5, adding a normal map to the model and the export into TS2010, failed, the model showing a light blue texture and nothing else.

Is the failure due to something I did or is there a problem with the XML exporter? I have no trouble using Blender 2.4.

All comments accapted.


I had this problem. The way I solved it was to get the model so that it exported and looked right using Blender 2.49 and then loaded the blend file into Blender 2.5.

My particular problem was that there appeared to be no way of setting map to norm as in 2.49. The above experiment showed me that the equivalent setting is in the mapping Influence panel. I unchecked diffuse and checked Geometry for the normal map. All worked OK then.
Hope this helps