Barry.c1800.Canals,docks,horse drawn boats/horse transport.

Hello Barry, motivation comes and goes, I know.

I have uploaded a few canal models, not sure if you are interested:

I now use track at ground level (3 metres above water level), it is easy to place and consistent for a number of model types. My coloured track will show in the Minimap.


Hello Ian, nice to chat again.
Yes very interested now, and had a look at your page of canal work in progress.
I have been using Mike10 ordinary single strand of track (to see it in Driver map, not minimap in Surveyor). Using trs2004.

Will have a look at your invisible track again.

Just had a look at the screenshots in the thread link and your lock gates seem spot on to the old UK canal gates and similar to the ones at Ellesmere Port which is part of the area I am interested.

Many Thanks

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So far I can now make satellite data based sceneries and can create sailing ships, preferably using Blender, exporting as 3DS with texture to finish in gmax (tutorial on my site).

What I can't do is set up some signalling to keep say 50 to 100 boats on the move.
Period early 19th Century, but will go further back to c1800. My last route on DS was based on dock plans c1830 for Liverpool and stretched up to Ellesmere Port.

The reason for detailing this is even in that period there were miles of docks in Liverpool.
I need to keep things as simple as posible as before I used dozens of Ys a for the sailing ships to berth and go in and out of docks, but manually operating the points and no signals.

I am using a visible single strand of track as invisible track unfortunately can't be seen in driver map (I don't mean Surveor Minimap). I am using an invisible signal but could just as well use a visible one underwater.

Anyway all I need is a loop with parking bays so to speak.
Just a bit of track leaving the main loop and joining back onto it. Tried it with 12 signals on the main loop and about dozen parking bays and 6 sailing ships...but all jambs up eventually. Kept the points on the loop open as only need the bays to manually change the points to berth any boats not running on the loop.

As I can now make quite extensive maps with hog covering many miles, I could have several seperate loops with numerous "parking bays....if the whole lot doesn't jamb up solid.

So any ideas where I need to place the signals to keep the whole system running on one loop. There could be many miles in a single loop, and several seperate loops all independant of each other. Just using one baseboard at present to test though.

I need to keek it as basic and simple as possible..for me to understand it, as a trainz mariner returning to the flatter than flat calm seas of trainz;)

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An outline and update.
Can't use TC editor as cmp locks up on Vista, maybe because it tries to connect on dial up.

Hi Barry, welcome back. :)

You can try ESC to end CMP connection or go into CMP settings/Misc and click Suppress Update Database at Startup. Might solve the Vista problem.
Hi Barry, welcome back. :)

You can try ESC to end CMP connection or go into CMP settings/Misc and click Suppress Update Database at Startup. Might solve the Vista problem.

Hello Dave.
I tried esc but that had no effect.
On dial up and on Vista.
Might try the suppress database.
But maybe then could not use Surveyor in it with commit, etc, as tried the 2 routes in it.

Taken TC off, and using Surveyor in trs2004. Too complicated trying to use my earlier content in TC, as used some default items from trs2004 etc in my routes.



P.S Just reinstalled it and tried ticking suppress database and it then locked up.
Used Task Manager to close it with "Vista" analysing "problem".
Didn't fill in Planet Auran details as use ftp anyway.
That shouldn't have anything to do with it though as many people arn't online who use TC.
Will leave it off permanent.
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Regarding signalling solved that and decided not to use any as tried experimenting and not the solution for a complex maritime route with numerous sailing ships.

Just been having a look at my last routes on download station, maritime early 19th Century, no trains and miles of docks in Liverpool, made a few years back for trs2004 I think.

Where I went wrong with that one, docks need to be a one way system using circles to get around them, straight track to get through the static locks, loops off the straights into other docks, but not out the same way...also no numerous Ys as before except into closed dry or wet docks for repair as boats would be hauled out on windlass so a few ys OK there.

Invisible track is no use as not visible in Driver maps and you can't see the direction boats are travelling so will use visible single strand as not visible through water in driver. I think enough of the river Mersey and coastline is visible with Hog and Microdem except the upper reaches. The river Ribble is a problem as surrounding land very flat. That is if I continue..

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Another GREAT Idea falls foul of the "homeviewer Lack of interest"
The thought of life further than the train tracks is daunting to most here on the forums.
HMS Hornblower returns home for Christmas..

A great screenshot well suited for say c1800 give or take the decades either way:)

Beginning to think we need the full historical settings, which includes all aspects of the era, stage coaches, coastal sailing ships, canals, mining, people, sounds and whatever, pre-train.. as the potential is there

Apart from my knowledge and content creation abilities being limited and wrestling with changing configurations, ....but


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Invisible track is no use as not visible in Driver maps

This was fixed in TRS '06 (which is, of course, of no help if you are staying on '04)

Like Dredd said, railroads connect to just about everything, so we'll eventually need just about everything in TRS :)
This was fixed in TRS '06 (which is, of course, of no help if you are staying on '04)

Like Dredd said, railroads connect to just about everything, so we'll eventually need just about everything in TRS :)

I have Trainz Classics also and invisible track is visible in Driver map (forget if visible in Driver map underwater), however don't need it for boats as use single thin strand of ordinary track, invisible in driver but visible in driver map under water.
On land is the problem for horse drawn vehicles unless I cover the the visible strand of track slightly with terrain.

CMP locks up when opened. Vista and on Dial up and know about install as administrator, etc.
Probably tr 2006 will be the same so trs2004 will do .
as unlikely to upload further routes to DS anyway.

I think the life away from the tracks is without trains, at least it was in my last route on DS including Liverpool docks and canals of about 1830, and probably if I make any more will be c1800, age before industrialization. ;)

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ARH Life away from the Tracks....most of my toys still live in 04 too lazy to do the daily CMP battle LOL.
I use Vulcans thin RED/BLUE & GREEN Tracks for Sea Sky and Land in some circumstances other wise I use Elvenors driveable road.
Useind the Dock system developed by Pencil & Me I set the track at "0" and water level at "-3".......that way you can always see the track on top of the water....;)
In the worlds I create Past Present and Future..I want all to interact rather than just being scenery for Trainz?
But as we have all seen there is little intrest by the Homeviewer
some of the Ideas I have put forward on these forums hardly even get a post getting feedback on Ideas worth developing is near non existant and Frustrating to say the least when you get people asking for things that are nothing more than a shell of a Idea.....that never went any further......Pencils great Dock is on the DLS..I put the Steam Clipper on the DLS so people could have a interactive ship to use the dock. Theres not much Intrest only 617 downloads or attempts to try the system.
I'm sure half the time people think Oh yeah :o whats dreddman making now nothing to do with Trainz as usual.....
Well how wrong are they .....(The narrow minded Homeviewer)
C1800's....Horse drawn transport canals ports and docks and Railways
now correct me if im wrong here...................Horse drawn transport..The Great Elvenors horses n wagons (updated interactive ones and Cavalry on the DLS)..English style wagons could be created ...Barrys coastal canal maps and boats Vulcan's Docks and Locks.......UK Broad Guage Railways and American Wood Burners?......Our Docks and My Ships to service the Docks for the Railways and wagons to remove.
C1900_1950....(Now I wont mention all the great WW's content out there)
But we have Whecsailors great ships which he is now geting them loadable
for use with the docks. I have driveable 1940's car (a Taxi could load people) and a truck that loads....Ships that load Planes that Load "HOW DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL IN MY WORLD."
If you have seen the screens of the ships and subs and warships at a Aussie looking Dock with my QR trainz....
Well in WW2 Battle of the Coral Sea the US Fleet was in Queensland serviced by QR Short Sunderland Flying Boats operated out of Gladstone Harbour ......I could go on and on but I dont want to totaly hi jack your thread Barry
It's Annoying that No one has any Imagination these days.
Merry Christmas To ALL who read this..:wave:
ARH Life away from the Tracks....most of my toys still live in 04 too lazy to do the daily CMP battle LOL.
I use Vulcans thin RED/BLUE & GREEN Tracks for Sea Sky and Land in some circumstances other wise I use Elvenors driveable road.
Useind the Dock system developed by Pencil & Me I set the track at "0" and water level at "-3".......that way you can always see the track on top of the water....;)
In the worlds I create Past Present and Future..I want all to interact rather than just being scenery for Trainz?
But as we have all seen there is little intrest by the Homeviewer
some of the Ideas I have put forward on these forums hardly even get a post getting feedback on Ideas worth developing is near non existant and Frustrating to say the least when you get people asking for things that are nothing more than a shell of a Idea.....that never went any further......Pencils great Dock is on the DLS..I put the Steam Clipper on the DLS so people could have a interactive ship to use the dock. Theres not much Intrest only 617 downloads or attempts to try the system.
I'm sure half the time people think Oh yeah :o whats dreddman making now nothing to do with Trainz as usual.....
Well how wrong are they .....(The narrow minded Homeviewer)
C1800's....Horse drawn transport canals ports and docks and Railways
now correct me if im wrong here...................Horse drawn transport..The Great Elvenors horses n wagons (updated interactive ones and Cavalry on the DLS)..English style wagons could be created ...Barrys coastal canal maps and boats Vulcan's Docks and Locks.......UK Broad Guage Railways and American Wood Burners?......Our Docks and My Ships to service the Docks for the Railways and wagons to remove.
C1900_1950....(Now I wont mention all the great WW's content out there)
But we have Whecsailors great ships which he is now geting them loadable
for use with the docks. I have driveable 1940's car (a Taxi could load people) and a truck that loads....Ships that load Planes that Load "HOW DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL IN MY WORLD."
If you have seen the screens of the ships and subs and warships at a Aussie looking Dock with my QR trainz....
Well in WW2 Battle of the Coral Sea the US Fleet was in Queensland serviced by QR Short Sunderland Flying Boats operated out of Gladstone Harbour ......I could go on and on but I dont want to totaly hi jack your thread Barry
It's Annoying that No one has any Imagination these days.
Merry Christmas To ALL who read this..:wave:

Hi. I wrote a long reply but it didn't register when sent (maybe luckily).

For those that still know me, my previous posts over the years explained everything and pointless going over things again.

As a retired (in more ways than one) virtual trainz mariner, perhaps one day I will come across a simulator and a suitable environment to expand and portray virtually the wide canvas of life across the decades but mainly centuries.

Perhaps environment in the case of this forum as possibly much of the potential "could" be there. Nice and enigmatic post.


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I think it takes some time before people realise that they can actualy mix boats, planes, trains and road transport in a single map and maybe think that the content done is for periods to early for their own routes. I my self use a lot of content created by all you creators for the world of water and a lot will fit very well into modern layouts. Creators of more realistic routes need to have all this wonderful content and i think the low downloads is more to do with the amount of uploaded routes that have this content in it as a lot of downloads come from those routes. In the past interactivity between boats and other transport was very limited and it is only in more recent times that a lot more interactivity has become available. i look foreward to all this new development and would greatly miss it if it was no longer created.
I wonder if there are any boats still sailing on the still seas of Trainz and perhaps the horses are still pulling the barges loaded with coal and iron ore brought in by the trains? The age of railways was also the age of the horse drawn transport as no cars until around 1900 or later. Horse drawn barges and sailing ships up to about 1940s. Should some rail routes become more generic and realistic with an integrated transport system relative to the age that they are set in I may look in again sometime. A very old thread but many of them contain much lost and interesting information. B.
Time to bring back an old thread as the topics are just as relevant now or maybe more so with the new Trainz on the horizon. If the moderators decide otherwise that is up to them and you are welcome to delete any or all of my posts
I have no trouble in using the Blender Game Engine for my 12 mile maritime routes, using srtm2 and 3dem, and displace function for terrain, and complex docks of the historical past of the river Mersey and surrounding area. Working locks easily made with the timeline...etc but wondering would it be feasible for me to consider Trainz in a years time to maybe try and make the full length of Leeds to Liverpool Canal mid Victorian era dating from when it links into the river Mersey. I can probably make most of the content in Blender, certainly barges, canal walls etc are easy enough. Will invisible track still be usable, etc...will Blender be applicable and many other considerations.

An ongoing project over years not a 2 month route...or has Trainz now become too complex for me to reconsider it...Also on the other side of three score and ten...Barry

P.S. And in advance to the Trainz Maritime and Canal Enthusiasts, if there are any left, for when it arrives have a Happy New Year :)
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Hi Barry

According to the threads concerning the T2 development of Trainz it will be backwards compatible with earlier assets so such things as invisible track should still be available. What isn't known at this time is how older assets will appear in the new game engine but hopefully they will look better than they do now. Therefore I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to recreate the Leeds to Liverpool canal.

Accurate terrain can be created using the TransDem program which would be a big help with a project this size. There is a new version in development which should make it easier to precisely plot the course of railways, canals, roads and rivers.

I hope that you go ahead with this project and your skills with Blender should enable you to create any landmark buildings etc that would be essential for a project of this type. If you do decide to proceed with it then I for one would look forward to seeing the results at some future date.


Hi Barry

According to the threads concerning the T2 development of Trainz it will be backwards compatible with earlier assets so such things as invisible track should still be available. What isn't known at this time is how older assets will appear in the new game engine but hopefully they will look better than they do now. Therefore I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to recreate the Leeds to Liverpool canal.

Accurate terrain can be created using the TransDem program which would be a big help with a project this size. There is a new version in development which should make it easier to precisely plot the course of railways, canals, roads and rivers.

I hope that you go ahead with this project and your skills with Blender should enable you to create any landmark buildings etc that would be essential for a project of this type. If you do decide to proceed with it then I for one would look forward to seeing the results at some future date.




I only know of the Blender Game Engine and Trainz that have the flexibility to create maritime interactive sceneries as have made basic content for most of the sailing simulators over the years. I had considered OpenRails but that could be years away before it becomes independant of msts. However Trainz has the increasing complexity of LOD, normal mapping, giant textures etc whereas Blender Game Engine easy to use and to make content for but limited. An enigma so will see how it all works out. Thanks Barry