Questions about horse-drawn wagons as "train vehicles": correct trotting speed


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Questions about horse-drawn wagons as "train vehicles": correct trotting speed

There are some horse-drawn vehicles that run on train tracks for available for Trainz, preferably on invisible track set at the correct height. I have just discovered this lately and this will make a neat scenery for my cowboy town of Caliente, CA on the Mojave Sub with various old-west buildings along on a gravel street including a saloon, a livery, an old-fashioned bank, the sheriff in town with his hound dog, Skippy, as he lazily rocks in his chair on the porch of the jail house with his big shiny Hummer parked in front, and the jail house. I could not find any whorehouse assets.

I plan to have stagecoaches, farm wagons and passenger carriages that shuttle passengers to and from the train station in town.

All of the driver-driven horse vehicles I have seen have "trotting speed only" in the description but what does "trotting speed" mean in terms of miles per hour? I have to set a speed for my "horse track" (no, not the one you go to for "playing the ponies") course for the horses to travel. The animals' gait, rate of walk, should match vehicle speed.
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Elvenor created a set of horses in GMAX many years ago. He scaled one or two for me since I was interested in a shunting horse, horses were used for shunting wagons in the UK and elsewhere. From memory there are both trotting and walking horses, the leg action is quite different. One or two others have attempted to create a horse but I haven't seen anything to match Elvenor's I have some reskins of his work. Elvenor unfortunately died some time ago but has left his legacy behind.

A walk is roughly 6.5 km/hr, trot 16 km/hr, canter 20 km/hr, gallop 45 km/hr.

Cheerio John
There are some metric and invisible speedboards that allow various slow speeds, slower than 5 mph ... will dig them up.

Here's one question: If one designs a rollercoaster, can a free-rolling railcar be sent a rolling, and achive perpetual gravitational motion ?

Biddle: Invisible 005mph Invisible (to 125mph)
Tlanders: CN_speed_sign_5
QR_Freighter: Sign_Speed_RHS_07k_QR (10k 15k)
Chakz0r: Speedboard right 5km/h
Skogen: Speedboards Right 20 km/h
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It sounds like a solid 10 MPH is par for the course regarding trotting horses' pulling wagons.

Has anybody ever built a golf course on their Trainz map speaking of "par"?
Golf Courses ... Well yes !


5 kph=3 mph

7 kph=4 mph

10 kph=6 mph

15 kph=9 mph

20 kph=12 mph
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