Ball signals.

Why don't you Google ball signals Jadebullet, there's quite a bit of reading to be done on ball signals, but I don't think anyone has ever made them for Trainz, not the sort of thing you see nowadays, and as they were first used in 1871, I don't think that there are any Trainzers alive with working knowledge of them.......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex.....:wave:
Yeah, I should have used google. I was just curious because they had them in the latest model railroader magazine. I was thinking about modeling an abandoned version on my route.
Hey, jade You know our saying at MRM, "Conductor to 1189, let's highball north" thats where that comes from. Highball means "green" lowball means "red" they were pre-electric signals.
Yeah, I have decided to start working on a B&M route.

By the way IllinoisCentral. That solves two questions. I have always wondered what Highballing meant.