BAD NEWS!!!!! I really very UPSET right now!


New member
Hello to everyone! So I am back again but not really I still be on here of Trainz Discussion Forums BUT I am BACK right now so thankgod hehehe anyway....I wanna would telling to you and everyone too...guess what? My route have been vanish it lost because stupid Best Buy employer was have been removed whole everything of my real photos, stuffs, trainz downloads and my trainz 2006 have been removed!!!!!!!!! It very whole is GONE!

I am very blackout very upset! Because I was have been work on my route for like pass between 1 year to 1 1/2 year right now but soon my route very been OVER like between 85 to 99% completed! But I am lost from my route:(

So I am SORRY to EVERYONE and please dont be mad to me or hate me:(.

So I guess that I am very bad in mood in today........
We wouldn't hate you! I am sure we have all had a nasty run in with a supposed computer tech that didn't exactly know 100% what they were sorry for your loss:confused: :'( Maybe you should just take a break from making routes. And then after a little while perhaps start again,but this time make it even better! I have been through that myself where a route disappeared,and I took a break from route building,then went back to it and started making it better then before.:D :)
Anyways take care.:wave:
We wouldn't hate you! I am sure we have all had a nasty run in with a supposed computer tech that didn't exactly know 100% what they were sorry for your loss:confused: :'( Maybe you should just take a break from making routes. And then after a little while perhaps start again,but this time make it even better! I have been through that myself where a route disappeared,and I took a break from route building,then went back to it and started making it better then before.:D :)
Anyways take care.:wave:

Ah it well I understand that you dont be hate to me because of course you are my best friend....Yeah I know that my computer are very mess up from my CPU there but it now so there is fine right now so guess I should have taking rebuilds work on my route....

Damn, there life make mess rumor in my life a day!:confused:

But I know that you are right about that BUT I still feeling that I very upset because my route looking soon be OVER make me peace and make to everyone very upset because reason my route havee been GONE!:(
I know how you feel because I have lost my route several times, the most recently when one of my Hard Drives went to heaven.Luckily I have gotten crafty and bought a Mini Hard Drive so everything is safe and I only lost about 3 days work.Its too late for you but if you buy a 2 GB flash drive you could save your route to it every day?
I know how you feel because I have lost my route several times, the most recently when one of my Hard Drives went to heaven.Luckily I have gotten crafty and bought a Mini Hard Drive so everything is safe and I only lost about 3 days work.Its too late for you but if you buy a 2 GB flash drive you could save your route to it every day?

By your hard drive become went to heaven mean it dead no power anymore? Like it expire least a year or something have wrong with them?

I like have been save my route like for over a years....But it too late:(

Also, I curious that IF I buy new a mini hard drive for sure there can be save for LONG TIME everything for safe?
Absolutely. I suggest you get a portable hard drive, not necessarily an external drive. The portable hard drives are designed to be moved around so they are very robust. And they are cheap. I got one a few months ago, and I back up my entire local folder to it once a week. But you should still do a backup to DVD as a fail safe.

Absolutely. I suggest you get a portable hard drive, not necessarily an external drive. The portable hard drives are designed to be moved around so they are very robust. And they are cheap. I got one a few months ago, and I back up my entire local folder to it once a week. But you should still do a backup to DVD as a fail safe.


Ah, somehow can I find the portable of hard drive? At store?

Also, they can hold save for long time and they never been failed for follow the an expired a years?
You won't lose anything unless it fails. I don't know what the mean time between failures is, but I guess it is about the same as an internal hard drive, say, 4 to 5 years. But the chances of both the portable drive and the computer's internal hard drive failing at the same time is about the same as your chances of being struck by lightning. Anyhow, that's why you will also want to make a DVD backup once a month or so. Any decent computer store will have a good selection. They are a snap to use; just plug it in to one of your USB ports and go.

dnutter, how I sympathise with you!

I have a little "Flash Drive" attached to my car key ring which holds 2Gb of data, more than enough to back up Trainz things I'm working on! (It just plugs into the USB port) (you can now get even bigger "Flash Drives" or "Jump Drives" - I believe ones even big enough to keep the entire Trainz folder!)

Search Ebay or Amazon for "Flash Drive" or "Jump Drive" or pop into your local friendly computer geek (not the one who deleted your files!) - they aren't very expensive - PC World was selling 1Gb Flash Drives for under GBP10 not long ago.

You just have to face the long haul task of starting a new route - but cheer up, it may well be even better than what you made before!

Chin Up, Lad! :wave:
I've never trusted Best Buy ever since one of their techs left their super-secret service CD in a friend's drive.
That's bad news to hear David, but as everyone has said, start again, and make it even better next time......

Keep smiling.......:)

Cheerz. ex-railwayman :wave:

You could go and talk up a storm of complaints to the people at best buy and see if you can get a refund or compensation. This should help your sanity more if you're more angry than upset.
Next time read the fine print first when you bring your own rig to tech support. Make sure though you back-up first or we will have another whiner crying here.
You are forgetting that every computer place has it's own,"curriculum" so to speak that they follow. Now the guys at Best Buy aren't exactly the kind of guys I would go to since they are a more nation wide company. No the small place I use has 2-3 shops. And they work with very rich people in there stores and they will ask you if they are allowed to remove X program. Or File X. So it also depends on where you would bring it.But if you want to keep a good customer base you should do the above.
and by the looks I wouldn't say that you are the most popular user Mr. 4 posts;)
But if you havn't or didn't know. Dnutter is deaf. So it is harder to communicate with him,at times. And he is very into trainz,and has put a lot of hard work into the route. and I am sure if you made a route so detailed,and as good looking as his, I AM SURE you would be just as whiny and crying just as much as he is.
Next time read the fine print first when you bring your own rig to tech support.

Yeah - RTFM in Tech Speak! "Read the "Fine" Manual!"

.......Just like we read all the Terms and Conditions when we buy something on-line or install a bit of software!

Seriously Folks - has anyone ever sat down and read Microsoft's T&C's when you install Windows XP or Vista?

Quiebus - Hindsight's a Wonderful Thing! I guess you've never lost data!

(.......although, I do agree that seeking compensation when you have a degree of responsibility yourself just isn't cricket!)
Hello to everyone! So I am back again but not really I still be on here of Trainz Discussion Forums BUT I am BACK right now so thankgod hehehe anyway....I wanna would telling to you and everyone too...guess what? My route have been vanish it lost because stupid Best Buy employer was have been removed whole everything of my real photos, stuffs, trainz downloads and my trainz 2006 have been removed!!!!!!!!! It very whole is GONE!

I am very blackout very upset! Because I was have been work on my route for like pass between 1 year to 1 1/2 year right now but soon my route very been OVER like between 85 to 99% completed! But I am lost from my route:(

So I am SORRY to EVERYONE and please dont be mad to me or hate me:(.

So I guess that I am very bad in mood in today........

It's called learning by experience, hopefully others will learn from your experience without feeling quite so much pain.

If you buy a DVD burner such as an LG one quite often the come with bundled software such as Nero that can back your critical files up to DVD.

If you burn a DVD with verify and put it on the shelf they very rarely fail, and if you make one every month or so you can always fall back on the old set if one doesn't work. Nero also allows incremental backups ie just those files that have changed since the last backup.

Cheerio John
It's called learning by experience, hopefully others will learn from your experience without feeling quite so much pain.

If you buy a DVD burner such as an LG one quite often the come with bundled software such as Nero that can back your critical files up to DVD.

If you burn a DVD with verify and put it on the shelf they very rarely fail, and if you make one every month or so you can always fall back on the old set if one doesn't work. Nero also allows incremental backups ie just those files that have changed since the last backup.

Cheerio John

Yeah it well that my first time a experience in my life about my computer so that's why make me understand learning in the listing so I am fine right now because thank to peoples make giving to me become get to chillin down and lots helping to me about how using to computer' stuff and other stuffs.....

But I already have Burn a DVD with us but I never use them so that somehow make me learing in the listing! :( Yeah you are right have good a the pointing but it too late:( :sleep:
Hello to everyone! So I am back again but not really I still be on here of Trainz Discussion Forums BUT I am BACK right now so thankgod hehehe anyway....I wanna would telling to you and everyone too...guess what? My route have been vanish it lost because stupid Best Buy employer was have been removed whole everything of my real photos, stuffs, trainz downloads and my trainz 2006 have been removed!!!!!!!!! It very whole is GONE!

I am very blackout very upset! Because I was have been work on my route for like pass between 1 year to 1 1/2 year right now but soon my route very been OVER like between 85 to 99% completed! But I am lost from my route:(

So I am SORRY to EVERYONE and please dont be mad to me or hate me:(.

So I guess that I am very bad in mood in today........
It's called learning by experience, hopefully others will learn from your experience without feeling quite so much pain.

If you buy a DVD burner such as an LG one quite often the come with bundled software such as Nero that can back your critical files up to DVD.

If you burn a DVD with verify and put it on the shelf they very rarely fail, and if you make one every month or so you can always fall back on the old set if one doesn't work. Nero also allows incremental backups ie just those files that have changed since the last backup.

Cheerio John
I don't normally back anything up but recently I thought of backing up everything and it's dependences that I would like to keep and install onto the same or another version of trainz onto my 2ig USB.
Errrrrrr, sorry Mr Quiebus, who are you exactly ????

You only joined this forum on THURSDAY, 2 days ago, what right have you got coming onto this forum bad mouthing veterans, especially those who are deaf, within 48 hours....You've now made yourself very unpopular with your comments already and I want to know who you are and why haven't you filled your public profile in completely. I think AURAN should have made this MANDATORY as they do on other sites. It always arises suspicion when people don't give any information out or make a half-hearted attempt, it seems that you're hiding something, a previous ban maybe, or a plant from another simulator website to troll and flame threads. There is a Code of Conduct to adhere to, go away and read it, and also read the previous posts by David Nutter, not "the nutter" as you refer to him, where you will see he is a deaf person, and exceptional circumstances such as this must be taken into consideration before answering David's questions and problems. If you want to give out advice then do so politely and thoughtfully, little wonder why so many veterans of 4, 5 or 6 years have now left the community with people like you posting on here.
Some of us have a bad enough working life, and this is our only means of enjoyment from the real-world, why should we have to suffer having to read the likes of your inflammatory comments every other day.....

I think it's about time the moderators took a firm stand against newbies knocking veterans on this forum, otherwise you'll see a few more of us leave, and of course we'll take our money with us, to leave Auran financially floored......Get it sorted.
Hi David, haven't seen you around here for a while. Anyways, I had the same problem as you, my computer had to get cleaned and the guy cleaning it deleted my trainz, my advice is get an FCT because it takes forever to redownload everything and backup your trainz before you bring your computer anywhere.

Quiebus, we all had to read this, , what makes you so special? And I don't remember seeing other on any maps, is it a new country?
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then starts to whine about others in public.

"You learn by experience"

My dear 'newbie' but 'oldie' ;) trainzer,

Yes, you learn by experience... And this is a forum which has experienced (and will be doing so) a lot of whining for years, being that one of its purposes, well accepted and taken for granted over here. ;) (:hehe: If your MP or Senator pays you no attention at all, this is a good noticeboard for easing your anger and frustration) :p:hehe:

Whining about whining trainzers seems to be your skill. ;) Mine is whining about whining trainzers who whine about other whining trainzers. ;)

Take whining care, and let's allow others to care about their own whining.

The whining side of Alberte :wave:, skilled specialist on Whingers and Sunblowers threads
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