Automation Route.

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Still having problems with my route, so have uploaded it to the DLS with the relevant session. Anyone care to have a look and laugh and tell me what is wrong!


Perhaps you need to tell Users what its called, Asset ID etc. to tempt them and so they can find it. Peter
Perhaps you need to tell Users what its called, Asset ID etc. to tempt them and so they can find it. Peter

Yep, you are right!

Its called Automation mK3 and the session is called Automation 1 Asset Id's <kuid:39161:100016> and <kuid:39161:100008>

I'm not sure what your original problem was but I've downloaded Automation onto T-ANE and at first glance would suggest its over complicated. You are using feather boards and track direction markers to achieve the same ends unfortunately in places they are contradicting each other for example at the Mill Turnaround and hence blocking the Run Around Train path for the locomotive. Disabling IT assets does nothing to the operation of the session which would suggest in its current configuration they are not required. The three automated industries consists in principle compliment each other well but it would perhaps be wiser to incorporate one at a time and get that working before the next. Peter
Danke Brian,
two kuid on the DLS, kuid ..... 6, I have changed in config.
Missing kuid2: 61392: 8113: 9

the amended kuid2: 61392 ...... appear first not to affect the game. Here as screen error message and two impressions. Thank Simtrain that you have used the Interclocking. Whether I understand though ......:o


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